Falda y flores | Skirt and flowers

in voilk •  3 months ago



    Hola de nuevo! Hoy les traigo un nuevo set de fotos donde les muestro un outfit que me puse hace unos días y que me gustó bastante. Ese día estaba haciendo mucho calor pero a su vez habían nubes grises como si fuese a llover. Sin embargo ya había planeado mi outfit y la verdad es que no me arrepiento de haberlo usado. A pesar de que todo estaba nublado se sentía un calor intenso, no tanto como el de los días anteriores pero sí se sentía calor. Tenía tiempo queriendo usar este outfit ya que se me ocurrió de la nada un día y me encantó como se veía, así que estaba esperando el momento perfecto para usarlo. Iba a salir con una amiga a hablar un rato y pensé en este lindo outfit que se me había ocurrido, así que lo usé y me sentí cómoda y linda durante todo el día.

    El outfit consiste en una blusa tipo crop topnque me gusta bastante, tiene una combinación de doa estampados que me gustan, las flores y las rayas, es bastante bonita. Lo combiné con una falda que aunque no lo crean, la personalicé yo ya que era un vestido que no me gustaba mucho, asi que la corté y quedó bastante linda, hasta le puse unas cositas para ponerme una correa. Como zapatos opté por unos blancos que siempre uso debido a que combinan con todo, usando unas medias negras. De accesorios usé un anillo plateado y mis zarcillos de perlas, no quise estar tan sobrecargada de accesorios. Me maquillé ligero, me llevé mi morral y así quedó mi outfit. Me encantó como quedó el top con la falda, espero usar más seguido esta falda porque me gusta mucho como quedó. Espero que les haya gustado el resultado de este outfit tanto como a mí!

    Hello again! Today I come to you with a new set of photos where I show you an outfit that I wore a few days ago and that I liked a lot. That day it was very hot but at the same time there were gray clouds as if it was going to rain. However I had already planned my outfit and the truth is that I don't regret wearing it. Even though everything was cloudy it felt very hot, not as hot as the previous days but it felt hot. I had been wanting to wear this outfit for a while since it came to me out of the blue one day and I loved the way it looked, so I was waiting for the perfect moment to wear it. I was going out with a friend to talk for a while and I thought of this cute outfit I had come up with, so I wore it and felt comfortable and cute all day long.

    The outfit consists of a crop top type blouse that I like a lot, it has a combination of two prints that I like, flowers and stripes, it is quite nice. I combined it with a skirt that believe it or not, I customized it myself because it was a dress that I didn't really like, so I cut it and it was quite nice, I even put some little things to put a strap. As shoes I opted for some white ones that I always wear because they go with everything, using some black socks. For accessories I used a silver ring and my pearl earrings, I didn't want to be so overloaded with accessories. I wore light makeup, took my backpack with me and this is how my outfit turned out. I loved the way the top looked with the skirt, I hope to wear this skirt more often because I really like the way it looked. I hope you liked the result of this outfit as much as I did!


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    unnamed 1.png


    Fotos de mi autoría | Photos of my authorship
    Fuente del divisor | Source of the divisor

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