The frightened toad. /// El sapo asustado.

in voilk •  4 months ago



    Hello friends of Liketu and #VisualShots here with a new publication.

    I present what we know here in Venezuela as Sapo is an amphibian, its appearance is ugly, even scary, but nature is not perfect.

    As well as plants, animals there are a variety of species, shapes and sizes, all with a purpose, different mission.

    We must take care of them, so that they do not become extinct, and the saddest thing is that humans are to blame for the extinctions of some animals.

    Like this frightened toad, who came to the house, in the grandmother's farm, because in the neighboring house they were setting fire to the bush, since they sow, I imagine that the toad to feel the heat and danger fled, to save his life.

    And it landed behind the Pomalaca tree, its color is almost similar to the trunk, which is almost not seen, it was a while, which I took the opportunity to look for the camera and with the zoom of this, I did this session, because I did not want to get too close perhaps for fear or that it would leave, they have their self-defense which is a milky liquid that can cause damage to the skin of whoever falls on it.

    After the photos I left him alone and then he left, I don't know when but I waited and I wanted him to be ok, to find a safe place.

    Photos taken with Sony camera, 100% original content, translated with the app DeepL


    Hola amigos de Liketu y #VisualShots aqui con una nueva publicacion.

    Les presento lo que aqui en Venezuela conocemos como Sapo es un anfibio, su apariencia es fea, que hasta da miedo, pero la naturaleza no es perfecta.

    Asi como las plantas, los animales hay una gran variedad de especies, formas y tamaños, todos con un objetivo, mision diferente.

    Debemos de cuidar de ellos, para que no se extingan, que lo mas triste es el humano el culpable de las extinciones de algunos animales.

    Asi como este sapo asustado, que llego a la casa, en el fundo de la abuela, ya que en la casa vecina estaban prendiendo candela, fuego al monte ya que siembran, imagino que el sapo al sentir el calor y el peligro huyo, para salvar su vida.

    Y se poso detrás del árbol de Pomalaca, su color es casi parecida al tronco, que casi no se ve, estuvo un rato, el cual aproveche para buscar la cámara y con el zoom de esta, hice esta sesión, porque tampoco quise acercarme mucho quizás por miedo o que se fuera, ellos tienen su autodefensa que es un liquido lechoso que puede causar daño en la piel de quien le caiga.

    Después de las fotos lo deje tranquilo y luego se fue no se cuando pero espere y quise que estuviera bien, que encontrase un lugar seguro.

    Fotos tomadas con cámara Sony, contenido 100 % original, traducido con la app DeepL

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