Fried Fish and my Pork Menudo!

in voilk •  16 days ago

    The dishes I will present you today are:

    • Fried GG or Pritong Galunggong!
    • Pork Menudo

    Let's start with the fish!

    Fried GG or Pritong Galunggong!

    As Filipinos working abroad we can't make Filipino food all the time, especially if it's fried. The reason is that we live in the houses of our employers and the smell of Fish ist rather strong. Also this kind of food can make the whole kitchen rather oily ... and most employers don't like oily kitchen. And so Do I! Hehe... I also don't like to clean so much...
    But recently I got an order of Fried Galunggong and I was also thinking that it has been a long time already since I was eating this yummy fish with spicy vinegar and soy sauce with shallots and chili. So I accepted the order and of course also made something for myself. I stored it and always when I want to make vegetable soup like for example Laswa my Pritong Galunggong can be used to make it tastier.

    Pork Menudo

    Oh yes! I know most Filipinos love Pork Menudo. But here in Hong Kong Filipino food is just seldom to have. We can buy it anyway in a Filipino store but I can say that my Menudo is more yummy... Just kidding! Hehe...
    Sure we can buy it in a Filipino store but knowing I am free to make any kind of food in my employer's house, I offer it not too expensive, so that many people want to order it, especially on special occasions.

    And the story of all kind of food which I make is really that I just learn to prepare it on the spot when people ask me to do it.
    As I said I am not a chef but I love to learn new things and I love food so I also love to learn making new food...

    Concerning Pork Menudo I also just learned to make it only 2 weeks ago. And I already received 10 orders in a row since then. Thank you to the one who asked me to make Pork Menudo for her birthday. I still remember that it was on February 15th.

    How to Cook Pork Menudo

    This pork menudo recipe requires the meat to be marinated in soy sauce and lemon first before cooking. Combine the pork, soy sauce and lemon in a bowl. Mix well and let it stay for at least 1 hour. It will be better to store the bowl inside the refrigerator while you marinate to avoid contamination. Make sure to cover the bowl before doing this.
    Take the pork out of the fridge 15 minutes before cooking. Start to saute the garlic and the onion. You will notice that this method is common in Filipino cuisine. Most Filipino foods are cooked starting with sauteing garlic and onions.


    • 2 lbs. pork
    • 1/4 lb. pig liver
    • 1 cup diced potatoes
    • 1 piece cubed carrot
    • 1/2 cup soy sauce
    • 1/2 piece lemon
    • 1 piece chopped onion
    • 3 cloves minced garlic
    • 1 teaspoon sugar
    • 3/4 cup tomato sauce
    • 1 cup water
    • 4 pieces hotdogs sliced diagonally
    • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
    • 2 to 3 pieces dried bay leaves
    • Salt and pepper to spice


    Combine pork, soysauce and lemon in a bowl. Marinate for at least 1 hour.
    Heat oil in a pan.
    Saute garlic and onion.
    Add the marinated pork. Cook for 5 to 7 minutes.
    Pour in tomato sauce and water and then add the bay leaves. Let them boil and simmer for 30 minutes to an hour depending on the toughness of the pork. Note: Add as much water as necessary.
    Optional only (but I didn't add it here because I couldn't find any liver in the wet market, and hotdogs in Philippine products are too expensive): Add the liver and hot dogs. Cook for 5 minutes.
    Put in potatoes, carrots, sugar, salt and pepper. Stir and cook for 8 to 12 minutes.
    Serve. Share and enjoy!

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