Empowering Communities: The Hive Experience in Ghana

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hive is making a real difference in people's lives, and I've seen it firsthand through the incredible work that has been achived with the Hive Empowers Communities projects. It's truly inspiring to see the impact these projects have had on several communities in Ghana. During the project, we had the opportunity to visit remote areas where access to clean drinking water was scarce. We were determined to make a difference and provide assistance where it was needed most.

    As much as we were determined to help those that were actually in need of water accessing some of these places wasn't so easy. For example, during one of the project works, @mcsamm and I visited a village that lacks basic necessities like electricity, good roads, and even decent hospitals and schools. Reaching the village was indeed tough. it took hours of driving on rough roads, and we had to leave the car somewhere and take a motor bike.

    The poor road was inaccessible for a car, so we relied on motorbikes. Using the motor bike riders means you had to pay double to convince the rider to wait and bring you back to town. Connecting to these places was hard as soemtimes it tools us hours of drive and there were even areas where accessing was difficult. There wasn't any transportation system and the only we could depend on was motor bike. You would have to pay double the price for the rider to wait for you to take you to town.



    Living conditions of the people in community is indeed terrible. I remember how one of teachers in the area expressed interest in being part of Hive but sadly could have a better Experience. He signed him up and made few post but could enjoy enjoy yhr experience even more as a result of no electricity and unreliable Internet access in the area. The community was very receptive to us, they made our visit memorable, took us to us around the town, to their farms and we had a nice time.




    But that same trip left me heartbroken, we couldn't build one of Hive's water boreholes there, even though they desperately needed clean water. The lack of electricity was a major hurdle. Without electricity, powering the borehole would not be possible. Even though we thought about giving making a hand pump borehole but transporting building materials to the area was another big challenge we realise we will face. These were some of the roadblocks we faced while trying to offer free water to people.

    Despite the difficulties, looking back at the communities we've reached fills us with great joy. 12 communities benefiting from Hive's empowerment projects is a real accomplishment! It's heartwarming to see how Hive has transformed so many lives. Our journey began with a simple goal: to make the most of our time online. We had no idea where the journey was leading us but guess it has indeed become a wonderful journey of impacts today.






    This is a common experience for many who venture into Hive; it may just be a platform for them, but far beyond how we see Hive lies a great potential to empower people to make real changes in their lives. This potential reflects in the kind of transformation we have seen through the empowerment projects we've embarked on. For many, Hive is just a place to connect and build friendships that lead to meaningful collaborations.

    To others it's just a social media for sharing contents. But beyond the platform it's immense potential that can bring about changes, all of these have been as a result of community. Hive is changing lives and this is true with see projects the empowerment projects All of these demonstrates how blockchain technology can be used for positive impact.

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