Social Media Challenge - Sorriel The Bale Sharing

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Good day to all, how are all of you doing? In a recent town hall session, it was mentioned that there will be an overhaul to the focus chest system. For me, it will be many exciting things to look out for, what about you? Do you think the change will be better or current system is already very and need no further optimization? In today's post, I will be sharing on another amazing Soul Bound Legendary Card.

    Card of Focus
    The card that I will be sharing today will be Sorriel The Bale. This card cannot be found in packs and can only be obtained through reward chest and is currently Soul Bound. One thing before I proceed further, I have to say the art for this card is really awesome, kudos to the artist. The card is a legendary card, thus it is not easily gotten and hence to find ways to level it up will not be as easy as compared to cards that you can buy from marketplaces. The characteristic of Soul Bound cards is that cannot be bought, sold, rented, delegated or burnt.

    Let's get right into the card itself.


    This is a 9 mana card with 2 magic damage, 2 speed and 5 health as a base card. Abilities wise at base is Double Strike. This card to me is like a burning balrog tossing fire balls at enemies with 2 hands. This fire tosser is something that Fire Splinter did not really had in the past and was dominated by other Splinters.

    Levelling this card is awesome as it brings about global debuffs to opponent lineup. At level 2 it gains Blind, which is really awesome to improve survivability of the cards on our lineup. At level 3, the card gains yet another debuff in the form of Rust which is very essential for Fire Splinter where there is both heavy melee and range attacks. At level 4, this card gains 1 more magic attack which will make this a menace to many.

    Card placement wise, I would typically want to hide this card in the middle so that to give it the most opportunity to land more attacks. Place it at the end will subject it to sneaks, so the middle will work best. The longer this card stays on the field, the longer you get the debuffs on opponent and also a hard hitting magic attacker. (Imagine Axemaster of Water Splinter). I have 2 copies of this card, 1 shy of being able to upgrade to level 2 and have the Blind debuff.

    Today's Battle Sharing
    And here it is a match that showcase about the Sorriel The Bale

    Reference Battle
    Battle Link:

    Ruleset: Taking Side, Aim True, Odd One Out
    Mana Limit: 58


    Selection Analysis
    We only had Fire Splinter and Dragon Splinter to choose from. Because my Dragon cards are mainly even number mana cards, so picking the summoner was a rather clear cut for me to lean on Fire Splinter.

    At 58 mana, we can essentially whack in as many high mana cards that we have. I don't exactly have a good tank in the form of Living Lava but instead I picked Forgotten One which has high attack, health and armour. In 2nd position, I picked Radiated Brute which has the Reach ability to attack from behind the tank. Next will be Fire Caller which I intend to boost Djinn Inferni and Radiated Brute should my opponent chose a snipe card. Following through will be Djinn Inferni for big magic damage and being a high mana match, there is a high chance opponent might pick a very high health card and Giant Killer comes in handy. Next will be Sorriel and lastly Lava Launcher as the base with a thick armour.

    My opponent also used a Fire Splinter lineup with Grum Flameblade leading the chase, Forgotten One on the 2nd. Opponent also put Lava Launcher in a more advance position which is backed back Djinn Inferi to high damage output, Ash Mirage for range control and Blood Maker for added randomness to attacks.

    2 different lineup with a point to prove. And let's battle!

    Round by Round Synopsis

    Round 1 - All kinds of barrage coming from my lineup from the back with every single card able to attack which help to take out Grum Flameblade even before it start attacking and gaining stats with its Blood Lust ability.


    Round 2 - Early into the round, Forgotten One on my side fell before I let my opponent have a taste of their own medicine by taking our theirs.


    Turn 3 - Radiated Brute was also manhandled by the flying in damages before I did the same to Lava Launcher.


    Round 4, A trade between me and opponent where I killed his Djinn Inferni while he killed my Fire Caller, giving my Djinn Inferni a boost.


    Round 5, Disposal of the remaining 2 range attackers and Sorriel landing the last to secure the win.

    Battle Summary
    If we look through how the battle went, we can see how having Sorriel gives quick take down to opponent cards especially so when it is magic which ignores armour on the card. Not many cards can handle prolonged damage of 4 damage per turn. Sorriel is there for punishing cards, accelerating any form of resistance from opponent and burning everything that stand in the way. Sorriel is just amazing, when faced with a Fire Splinter most will be using additional armour to guard against melee, Sorriel adds a different dimension and burns off opponent cards quickly to help you secure victory.

    Wrap Up
    Hope you've found this sharing useful. I personally love to use this card alot. If there is a chance to field it in, I will. The double magic damage is just too crazy and can be launched from any position. A good card which can upgrade to become a bigger terror which gives additional debuffing capabilities. Have fun in battles!

    See you next time!

    I am currently part of PIZZA, an active gaming and creative arts crypto community on the HIVE blockchain and part of PIZZA guild. Popular cryto games such as SPLINTERLANDS, RISING STAR and HASHKINGS are actively discussed in this community.

    Many events are being organized from time to time. Join the PIZZA DISCORD. This is a place filled with 💰🍕🎁GIVEAWAYS & AIRDROPS💰🍕🎁 and most definitely consisting of a friendly community to be in.

    Till my next battle sharing, take care, stay safe and happy battling!

    If you are keen on playing Splinterlands, feel free to join me via this link:

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