The Saurians plan to take Cassardis | Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen

in voilk •  2 months ago

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    Greetings my dear brothers and sisters who love the wonderful world of video games. Everyone welcome to my publication.

    This time I wanted to share a progress that I have had in Dragon Dogma Dark arisen, I have delayed a little in the progress of the story because I was doing some secondary missions that were not without importance to share, except for some that gave me a totally amazing view, more You will see it later.

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    I was in the town of Cassardis where I started my adventure in this video game to do some escort missions, they are usually done to get some gold coins and unique objects that we cannot enter without doing them, they are a bit annoying because you have to go to the ends of the earth so that the person you are going to escort marvels at such a beautiful landscape.

    The bad part about this is that you can face many enemies that can kill that NPC, but well, let's continue, it turns out that when we arrived there was a man screaming at the bottom of a well, I decided to investigate to see what was happening, when I arrived The man tells me that there are some huge creatures at the end of the well and that he has been down here to keep them, he also says that he will not be able to sleep at night knowing that those creatures are here, since the well leads directly to the town, so It was my duty to do so to prevent these creatures from dominating this place.

    The interior was very humid, in fact, you can see that it was a well that had been empty for many years, but at the end of the journey you can find a little water, but the place was very interesting, the pointed rocks, the humidity, the bats that they didn't stop attacking me...

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    Indeed, when I arrived at the place that man had told me about, I found some extremely resistant creatures, except when we use ice magic, since with one blow you can break them into a thousand pieces. It turns out that this place was full of creatures called Saur, especially the walls, were full of eggs and I could not allow these creatures to expand in this pit, because at any moment they can dominate Cassardis.

    These creatures are very interesting, because they have the body of a lizard, but they carry huge spears that make their attacks too deadly. After killing a large part of them, two went all the way back where the sea and the river meet, they began to make strange sounds, it was as if they were calling for more Saurians.



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    It turns out that their call was about the father of these creatures, one larger than normal came out, with a totally surprising warrior appearance, I really liked the animation of that moment when this creature emerged from the depths.

    Their teeth are very pointed, I would say they are half piranha and lizard, their eyes are also very striking and threatening, they glow in the dark, they have a tone between yellow and red.


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    After finishing off that creature I did a secondary escort mission to the bloody beach, I don't know why they call it that, the truth is that it has an amazing view, the landscape was very relaxing, especially with the sound of the sea.

    Then I went to do a main mission, since I had done all the ones I had pending, the mission I had to do was to collaborate with an investigation of the chapel, I had to go to a waterfall that led to a large room, called * The catacombs of the sea god*, I found a priest who was outside the cave and he told me that one of his brothers went inside to look for some tablets.

    The interior was very scary, everything was in ruins and it gave the impression that everything would collapse at any moment, and if that were not enough, everything was flooded with water.



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    There were many cultured creatures inside, some skeleton warriors, sorcerers and Sulfur Saurians, they are much stronger and more resistant than the previous ones I have faced, the whole place was uneven, I couldn't move well and some enemies were on top. platforms attacking me with their magic, I had to be very careful between jumps to be able to face them.

    I had found the poor monk at the end of the road, his entire body was all mutilated and destroyed, the only thing that could be recognized was the suit, but it turns out that the person responsible for this carnage was also there, it turns out that it was a cyclops, at least I could avenge this poor man's death, but the battle was amazing, I love each and every battle I have with these huge creatures.

    Thank you very much for coming this far in my publication, I hope you like it, until next time.





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    The dividers are my authorship, the images have their source, the screenshots were taken in my player profile on my computer, the GIF edits were created by me.

    This is the program I used to create my design:

    Gif and cover courtesy of Canva

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