Enjoy the Sunday Morning_My Actifit Report Card: March 10 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Enjoy the Sunday Morning

    Today I just circled around the yard, the rain for the past few days made me a bit lazy to move.
    So just enjoy the atmosphere around the house.
    Moreover, it's Sunday, a holiday, the children are enjoying watching cartoons on TV.
    Approaching the Ramadhan fast, which is usually hot, the atmosphere is cool and cool. I hope you can fast the whole month of Ramadan

    Menikmati Pagi

    Hari ini hanya mengitari halaman rumah saja, hujan beberapa hari ini membuat agak malas bergerak.
    Jadi hanya menikmati suasana sekitar rumah saja.
    Apalagi ini hari minggu, hari libur, anak anak asik menonton kartun di TV.
    Menjelang puasa Ramadhan yang biasanya panas, ini suasananya adem, sejuk. semoga bisa berpuasa penuh satu bulan Ramadhan
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io


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