How HARD can it be!?

in voilk •  4 months ago

    How's life been going for you guys?
    I sure do hope that everyone's doing great.

    Wait, What!?

    What I'm about to tell you today is quite scandalous...but wait.not scandalous like what's on your mind but scandalous in a way that these things happen so naturally now...unlike before.(or so I think)

    As an employee inside a school I often hear teachers complain on how student's behavior changed overtime.
    I am not a teacher but I can see and I have experienced what they are telling here we go:

    Let's go back to the question:

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    1. to speak tactfully to your teachers and elders?
    -children nowadays talkback to their parents, teachers and other elders like they're in the same age group. Sometimes the also make that ryde facial expressions while talking to them.

    2. to keep your voice low
    -Talking back is one thing but talking back using a loud voice is another! The first time I heard this, I was furious! I wanted to stop the class just to tell that student that what he's doing isn't right. But I kept quiet. You'll know why later on

    3. to pick up or throw your own trash
    -We have no maintenance staff in our school. Learners are so hard to discipline in keeping the school grounds clean. They leave their trash in flower boxes and leaves them there. Back in our time, we are very much disciplined regarding this. be kind to your fellow learners
    -This one's quite an issue. Learners fighting against learners and what's worst is that when a teacher comes to resolve the problem, they still won't stop! Should I give them gloves and let them continue the fight? 😩

    5. to respect everyone.
    -All the above mentioned cases boils down to this. If only learners respect everyone, it will make this world a little less stressful.

    I am not telling that al learners are like this and not all teacher are good but. It's just that gone are those days where teachers are respected and highly appreciated. Gone are those days where the children doesn't talk back to their parents.

    I don't blame the government for creating such law that there should be no form of any corporal punishment to children because there were also instances that teachers are too much. But this is us now.


    I am worried because I also have kids who will mingle with other kids...who will be influenced by their environment. How can I help them grow with respect when outside the house, the word respect is stepped on to.

    This is what I only observed. This may not be true to other places...but here in my hometown,I am quite sure about this.

    Again, just HOW HARD CAN IT BE?.

    Thank you for taking your time to read. I hope I made sense🙏


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