A day full of joy and traditions

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hey peeps..!!

    Here is to welcome a post-Eid bLog..!!
    But before eid lets talk about Chand-Raat🌜..

    Chand-raat is actually a night before eid and the preparations for Eid start from this very night. Like cooking sweets, applying henna to girls' hands, getting haircuts for boys, and all those sorts of things. Our house was in the same hustle and bustle on Chaand Raat (the night before Eid). Both stoves in the kitchen were busy with their duties. Mom was preparing sweet dishes for tomorrow, like rice pudding and vermicelli.

    On the other hand, when I stepped out of the kitchen, my younger cousin was spinning around holding a henna cone in her hand. Although I don't know how to apply henna, I thought why not give it a try on her hand. She made all sorts of funny faces while getting the henna applied, as if she didn't like it. But she was too young to say anything out of fear😅.And here is the final look of her hands done by me.

    After doing all the chores we were off to our beds very early so that on next morning we can wake up early.
    Sun arises as usual. But it gives off different vibes that day ,it must be because of eid i guess🤩. The weather was very good this day. The clouds were like cotton candy floating in the sky. Later, I also made a nice video. I always enjoy capturing moments like these.

    It was my Mumma’s duty to pluck flowers in the morning from our backyard everyday. But for some reason on this day, I don't know why, I told Mama that I would go to pluck flowers and surely enough, I felt very fulfilled. I felt so refreshed.It was the first time I felt like I was breathing pure oxygen😄.

    After picking the flowers, I gathered them all in a lovely basket and brought the basket to place it on the side table next to my bed.

    After having food and sweets we make our way to our dressings .We began to get ready and put on our clothes because after this, our favorite part of Eid was about to start, which was receiving Eidi from our elders. So, we, along with our little cousins, started getting ready.

    Here are these little kiddos roaming around us after puting on their clothes.
    After that we collected Eidi and also distrubuted it among our younger ones.Here is my Eidi.

    I gifted a doll as Eidi to my little cousin.She grabbed the doll so hard ,so that nobody could dare snatch it from her and she played with her all day long.I was really happy seeing that she enjoyed playing with doll.

    After some while she came and grabbed my duppata and take me to the garage side where a bicylce with broken chain was resting in peace. She insisted on riding a broken chain bicycle.

    As you can see ..!! •_•

    Around noon, one of my cousins came to our house. We were very happy to meet her on Eid. She also brought an Eid cake for us. We had a great time together, chatting, taking photos, playing with the kids, and spending quality time together.

    As the sun's intensity decreased, we decided to play badminton. We changed out of our formal dresses into casual clothes so that we could play comfortably. There's an empty plot right in front of our house where our kids alongwith the neighborhood kids usually play cricket, so we never got a chance to go there because they never left the ground empty. Today, we got the opportunity and we took over the ground. We enjoyed playing badminton there.

    And here comes Anabiya playing with sand.

    As the night approached, we were feeling hungry, and it wasn't just any hunger, it was craving for fast food. So, we called upon our elder cousin to bring us some fast food, and together we ordered a variety of items.

    And night fell. We were on our way to Popho’s house when I saw some cows on the way. I stopped, wished them Eid Mubarak, and took their photos too. Today, even they were ready for Eid. They were shining after bathing and enjoying their free time, observing the people coming and going.

    We cousins went up to the roof of the house because the weather was very pleasant and cool. We wanted to have some gossip and chat a bit, so we went up to sit. However, these kids are really annoying, always following us around. There was an electronic car on the roof that was broken, so they kept pulling it and using it as a swing. These kids are quite mischievous; they always do such things.

    They were making a lot of noise up there, so Aunt scolded them and brought them downstairs. We didn't spend much time there after that. I took a photo of my village and last photo of Eid day. After that, we returned home, and the charm of Eid slowly faded away.

    Eid is not about the day.It’s about people. It’s about family and friend getting closer to each other and spread love and happiness. And we achieved this goal on the eid,so obviously our eid went very well.

    Meet you on next blog..
    take care..

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