My Son's First Camping Experience

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hot morning @asean.hive community Thank God it's Friday. Tomorrow is weekend and because hubby's here it will be a busy day. Specially if his in the mood to catch fish. We'll be also doing our laundry but I decide to start tonight. Because the weather is still intensely hot, it's also the third week that my kids are using the ALM or Alternative Learning Module. So to be able to teach them I'll spin our dirty clothes tonight and we'll rinse it early morning. Hubby's work starts at seven a.m but he needs to be in the place at six. I won't be surprised if he wakes so early. Well that's our routine whenever his around he hates the kid when they woke up at late. In his stories when his young he catch fish before going to school. Sell them in the barrio so they can buy rice. He promised me that our kids will never experienced that hardship.

    My today's post is about my son's first camping experience. I already share that his one of the boys scout in the school. Except for their training about giving first aids, they also need to participate in the certain activity of our place.

    Here's the things needed and their schedule



    We settle the things before the day came. He was so excited and nervous too, he bought two bags except for the tent. In the lists we put extras, just to make sure. Besides it his first time, her sister even tease her to bring his bear with him.




    They meet in a certain place then after they went to the locker room to put their things



    They were orient on a certain stuff because it was held March which is the prevention month they were taught about the things that should consider during a fire. My son is the one taking pictures





    Demonstration on how to fold the fire hoss. After that they had an activity on the cover court. The link below will let you watch the scouts.



    After the orientation it's eating time. The kids have their rest because they are full of activity to explore. The photo is my screen shot of there's group my day.


    Setting up the tent





    After the setting up the tent it's time to their final activity which is the earth hour. It's were will conserve energy to help mother nature. My son told me that they slept 23:00 looks like it was an unstoppable fun. His whole day was filled with interesting activity. I know they also had a bon fire but we wasn't able to take a shot. And I don't want to post pictures that's not ours, beside the link will be a big help to see their activity.

    EARTH HOUR 2024🌿🌎⌛
    The Sta Lucia NHS joined with our neighboring institution show the desire to protect our planet as a universal value. This activity of turning off the lights is a symbolic act, it encourages people to think about what they can do to make a difference. Our thanks to NESAPH Marcelo Chapter 01 and Municipal Scouting Committee of Calumpit for this memorable and symbolic activity.
    Scout Salute ⚜️

    At early morning they had their breakfast and awarding of course. Can you see my son his small at the back. His quiet type and shy sometimes.




    On the way home they even made a stop over. I don't if they are not yet tired they went to the park. But my son is so tired because he fell asleep after he fixed his things at home. He brought a lot of excess and he wasn't able to used them all. What important is he learned how to blend in his classmates. They stayed together and had fun at all.



    Thank you so much for reading
    Much Love, @usagigallardo015

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