角落生物快閃店 / A pop-up shop for Sumikko Gurashi

in voilk •  5 months ago


    角落生物又叫做角落小夥伴 (Sumikko Gurashi) (すみっコぐらし),它們是日本設計師横溝友里,在 2012 年時, 創立了一群喜歡躲藏在角落的小生物角色,並推出了首批商品,2015 年時,營收上看50 億日元,2019 年更突破 200 億日元營收,獲得「日本虛擬角色大賞2019」最具人氣獎,這些角落生物喜歡一起躲在「不被注意的角落」,並擁有自己的故事和夢想的設定,讓不少人為之瘋狂,也紅到我們這邊來,也是不少人都在收集角落生物角色。




    Sumikko Gurashi (すみっコぐらし), were created by Japanese designer Yōko Mizoguchi in 2012. She founded a group of small creatures who love hiding in corners and introduced the first batch of products. By 2015, their revenue reached 5 billion yen, and in 2019, it surpassed 20 billion yen. They won the "Japanese Virtual Character Award 2019" for the most popular character. These Sumikko Gurashi enjoy hiding together in "unnoticed corners" and have their own stories and dreams, driving many people crazy. It has become popular even outside Japan, and many people collect these corner creature characters.

    One of the well-known characters is the polar bear, often referred to as the white bear because it finds the northern regions too cold and is afraid of the cold. So, it escaped to the south. The polar bear is still sensitive to the cold, showcasing the clever design. There's also a creature that claims to be a penguin but vaguely remembers having a lid on its head, suggesting it might actually be a kappa, a river imp in Japanese folklore. The dinosaur lives in the ocean and pretends to be a lizard to avoid being caught, calling itself a "lizard" and living in the forest. There are many more Sumikko Gurashi, but there are too many characters to list.

    A few years ago, when the Sumikko Gurashi became popular, my nephew got obsessed with them. They were a huge hit among him and his classmates. The background stories I mentioned earlier are things he shared with me during casual conversations. His favorite character is the dinosaur. When I asked him why, he said he finds dinosaurs cool and cute, and they can swim well, which he admires. As for whether it reflects his psyche, claiming to be as cool as a dinosaur, I'm not so sure.

    Coincidentally, I came across a store selling corner creature merchandise, including various plush toys and a few claw machines filled with corner creature characters. If I try to win one from the claw machine, I might have to spend several times the price of the toy. The dinosaur is green and quite recognizable. Should I buy one and use it to butter up my nephew during the Lunar New Year festivities? However, given his tendency to quickly lose interest in things, I wonder if he's still into Sumikko Gurashi. I find myself facing another dilemma.

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