Humbling the Media

in voilk •  5 months ago


    I think one of the sweetest parts of a crypto win for most people would be the effects it'll have on the media space. For years crypto has been on the receiving end of quite a number of heavy criticisms with some completely uncalled for. I particularly notice the way a particular sect of mainstream media acts in unison with regards to specific cases. It's almost a one fits all narrative with them and there are certainly little room for giving divergent viewpoints.

    Every move aimed at a bitcoin revolution has been met with staunch criticism. When the tiny nation of El Salvador became the leading country in BTC adoption, development and publicity we were told how bad an idea it truly was with prophecies of doom about the El Salvador economy. Many wouldn't even consider the possibility of BTC being developed and its applications having far reaching effects on the global economy. Crypto was bad under any circumstances and for a while it was really difficult to give any contrary mainstream opinion on the matter.

    The clampdown on the crypto space over the last couple of years sent the media into a gleeful frenzy. Unfortunately this wasn't helped by bad players on the crypto side who constantly portrayed the risks associated with crypto use. For a while it seemed like the space was going to be pummeled into submission by those who were out to get us. The markets took a big hit, and many sentimental investors fled. Then something happened, which was an unexpected paradigm shift. Insutuitonal investors saw an opportunity and started creeping into the space slowly. Their capital and influence certainly has helped in our robust rebound.

    However credit must also be given to the investors and developers who have simply blocked the noise and continued to work through the highs and lows. With the potential for new highs looming on the horizon crypto also has the chance to pivot into a new phase of maturation and value addition. Watch the same media suddenly change narrative when this happens. A part of it could be because the insutuitonal investors say so, but another side to it is the inevitability of crypto.

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