The grand boulevard taken at a walk

in voilk •  3 months ago

    To each according to his luck, that's how this life works. This time I'm just referring to the places we each have to walk.

    Some of us walk in the woods, others by the sea. Some in the mountains, some in quaint little towns. There are also the big cities where we walk, as inhabitants or as tourists.

    I walk around Bucharest, which is a much bigger city than I would have liked. Of course, this is an advantage but also a disadvantage. Every place or thing has advantages and disadvantages. What matters is whether we want to feel good or not in this world. As a rule, most people want what they don't have or can't have.

    My walks take me mostly through parks and streets. When I relate them I try to alternate to limit the degree of boredom I cause the reader.

    Today it was the turn of Magheru Boulevard in the center of Bucharest. The central axis of the city. In my adolescence and youth, it was my favorite boulevard.


    Interest in this boulevard has dropped and people are avoiding it because most of the buildings are seismically dangerous, meaning they are likely to collapse in a future big earthquake.


    The buildings were built between the two world wars in the last century and have been subject to two major earthquakes, in 1940 and 1977 when they were under severe strain. Because of this many buildings are closed and unoccupied.


    In other buildings, blocks of flats, there are still people living and they know they are in danger, but they can't or don't want to move from there.


    The importance and attraction of these central boulevards was given by the shops on the ground floor of the buildings. Because of the seismic risk, there are few shops now and this explains the lack of interest from both residents and tourists.

    There are, however, a few shops that are trying to hold on...




    This boulevard, wider than long... just kidding, it is quite long, is bordered at its ends by two of the most famous squares in Bucharest:

    University Square and...


    ... Roman Square.


    In these squares, people gather, especially young people. These are the liveliest places in town.

    Even though interest in the boulevard has now waned, for the reasons outlined above, there is hope that the situation will change. If on the left side, from the University Square to the Roman Square, there are still many unkempt places...



    ... on the right side many office buildings, shops and hotels have been refurbished.




    I believe that in a few years, not many, this boulevard will be as good as new and will become again the favorite place of the inhabitants as well as of the tourists who come more and more to visit Bucharest, the capital of Romania.

    On weekends this boulevard is full of cars and this is, unfortunately, another less pleasant aspect. For me, who only comes here on Sundays, it is no longer an impediment. It remains the recommendation for the weekend when even those with little scooters dare to walk on the road.



    The lack of car congestion allows the few that still pass through on Sundays to run at high speed, as my camera hopefully captures in these blurry photos.




    I was happy to see many young people on the street, it's like I see myself 50 years ago when I like to walk on this avenue the most.


    There are also cultural places that bring value to the place. The best bookshop is a concept that brings together literature, music, coffee, and relaxation, the Carturesti bookshop.


    A few art galleries of which Simeza has been old as long as I can remember. It has lost some of its former glory...



    New galleries have appeared but these places are less and less visited.


    I wouldn't say I like the writings on the walls of the buildings that emphasize the impression of untidy and carelessness.


    The walk is coming to an end, there are still a few hundred meters to the Roman Square.



    Roman Square




    At the end of these blocks is the end of Magheru Boulevard.


    A place to relax, in the Roman Square, for both people and pigeons.


    I like to say that I write for myself, primarily to guard against the fact that no one else will be interested. In this case, about this walk, I have told it, mostly through pictures, and as an invitation to a trip to Bucharest, Romania.

    I would love to know that someone who saw this post got to visit this city and boulevard and will have a sense of deja vu. Not necessarily to remember where that feeling comes from.

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    This whole story might not interest but I hope you find something interesting in the photos. Because, after all, the photos are what it's all about.

    Make a point of looking around and up and see what you can find to get shots of that otherwise you may miss.

    This is one of the recommendations made by @tattoodjay for those who prefer walking and are used to sharing impressions and photos in his community, Wednesday Walk, every Wednesday, like this one today.


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