Sweet greenery

in voilk •  4 months ago

    The prompt;

    We all love having fun and also making time to meet our loved ones and also release some stress. What is your favourite place to hang out, whether with people or just alone? Give and Explain reasons for your choice of place.

    Picking up to write this prompt was a bit challenging for me because I don't go out much. I'm the type that's glued to my phone and bed whenever I'm not engaged in any task. Even when I want to mingle with friends, I'll still be the one they come to meet, rather than me going out to their houses.

    But upon deeper reflection choosing a place to cook off, I believe in my heart that I like the serene green scene with no crowd, not even an individual around. I don't mean a forest, please 🤣

    I know you're not quite understanding me clearly. I mean, the place I would like to go to unwind myself is a field surrounded by trees, with no crowd, and if possible, no single human at all.


    My choice of picking such a place is as follows:

    It gives me freedom: I'm someone who isn't well-inclined with crowded and noisy environments. I love it more when I'm with nature. With that, I don't see people around checking on my appearance or how I'm moving around in the environment. I can easily dress roughly and go there and no one would judge my dress.

    Personally, I haven't experienced this once, but I witnessed it when one of my friends back in my village who suggested that I accompany him and his girlfriend on a date. Guess where he chose? It was the secondary school in the community, and it was a Saturday when the school was not in session. The school has a spacious land with green grass on the ground, while trees such as mango and tangerine trees were scattered all over the place—it's more like a love garden in a university setting.

    I was in a corner, watching them do all their lovey-dovey things, and no one, except me, was seeing them. I loved the idea so much. I would prefer such outings anytime, any day, rather than going to noisy and crowded malls.

    Still on this freedom, you know it's not everyone who can pick up a camera and start snapping pictures in a crowded place, right? I fall into that category where it's very hard for me to pick up my phone for a selfie in an area where there are people. I know I'm not the only one in this category.

    I love it when I'm relaxing my mind, snapping pictures of the environment with lots of selfies, and I won't feel shy doing that.

    Did you know that nature communicates?


    Yes, that's another reason I love to hang around the beautiful greenery and listen to them. The birds are not left out either; seeing them fly around with their chirping sounds has a way of easing the troubles in the mind and sending them into the thin air.


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