What taking care of pets entails: Meet my cats

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Pets serve several purposes for us humans. Different people have their preferences when it comes to the choice of a pet animal. For me, it's cats. I love cats a lot, and of course, I have three pet cats.

    Cats are really cute, and I feel they understand people well. One major reason why people keep pets is to keep them company. You can't really feel lonely when you have a pet around. They have a way of keeping you occupied. You just can't help but love them even more, especially cats.

    As much as it's great having pets, one crucial thing that comes with it is taking care of them. Taking care of pets is no joke. It's like taking care of a little human.

    I'll use myself as an example. I have to feed my cats every day. My cats really love to eat. I'll give them that. They make it really obvious when they are hungry. They start making noises and they become restless. Some pets can even be picky with their food. Hayley, for example (the black cat) mostly prefers fish or food with fish in it. The other two, Tim and Rex, don't really mind. As long as they are given food, they are okay. Feeding is indeed a crucial and sometimes, a hectic part of pet care.

    Another thing involved in taking care of pets is just observing and monitoring them. This is important for several reasons. Something could be wrong with them, and you may not find out on time unless you observe. After all, they don't speak the human language.

    Hayley, for instance. Hayley most times doesn't like eating. When I notice it, I'll suspect something is wrong and do something about it. Sometimes she gets teased and disturbed by the other cats, especially Rex (the cat in the third image). Rex doesn't let her rest. In such a situation, I just have to intervene. I observed Hayley likes being all by herself and because of that, I keep a constant eye on her.

    One more thing involved in pet care is veterinary care. Pets are going to require medical attention at some point in their lifespan. It's a given. I know I've had to call a vet severally for my cats. No one really wants their pet to fall sick, but that possibility is always there and one has to be ready for such a time.

    Generally, taking care of pets teaches people responsibility. I think that giving a little child a pet to love and take care of would better help instill that responsible nature in them.

    I must say, it's not easy at all to take care of one pet, not to talk of three in my case. At different moments, they are either scattering something or doing something they shouldn't be doing, and then I would have to intervene. Despite that, my pets are adorable, and it's fun having them around.

    All images are mine

    This article is an entry into the monthly inleo prompt Initiative.

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    The prompt for today (22nd March) is Pet care, animals, zoo

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