Squirrel Sunday - Lack of Scarcity

in voilk •  last month

    The squirrels are back for another #squirrelsunday

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    Mana from heaven has hit the squirrel kingdom.

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    This new food source is coating every surface of every tree.

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    Young squirrels born in this time don't even need to learn how to harvest acorns or store walnuts.

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    They better hope that this mana from heaven never goes away. In the meantime how will the normal capitalist squirrels cope with lack of scarcity?

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    Now that I don't have to worry about food I will pursue collecting cars.

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    I will work on my poetry, sure no one will read it but I like to make poems while I chew on cicadas.

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    This guy will pursue a travel careers exploring the strange jungles in the human territories.

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    This one is working on its dance routine for tick stock. Once the tick bites you the brain worm infests the squirrel mind and causes them to dance on camera.

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    The prepper squirrel knows the cicada mana is only a temporary phenomena and continues to hoard walnuts and acorns. When winter hits the other squirrels will be hurting.

    That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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