A new gem, Music news, my progress, Rising Star.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to a new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

    But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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    Gorka Urbizu, recognized for his leadership in Berri Txarrak, delights us with his latest musical project, Hasiera Bat, a work that goes beyond a simple album to become an authentic aural gem.

    From the moment you press play, you are immersed in a universe of meticulously crafted sounds and free-flowing emotions. It's as if each note is a brushstroke on a sound canvas, creating emotional landscapes that envelop you and transport you to another world.

    What fascinates me most about this album is its ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia well understood. Each melody seems to whisper stories of the past, while the lyrics, although in Basque, transcend language barriers to communicate universal emotions.

    Gorka Urbizu has shown impressive versatility by moving away from his usual Berri Txarrak style and embracing a softer, more reflective expression. His voice, full of emotionality and warmth, finds its perfect place in this intimate and personal musical environment.

    Hasiera Bat is not just an album to listen to; it is an experience to live. Each song is like a chapter in a book, unveiling different aspects of the human soul and taking us on a journey of self-discovery and reflection.

    One of my favorite songs on the album is Etxe bat, an ode to domestic life that resonates with poignant sincerity and beauty. The way Urbizu weaves vivid imagery with his lyrics is simply masterful, transporting you to those everyday moments that make life so special.

    But Hasiera Bat goes beyond the individual songs; it is the sum of all its parts that makes it truly exceptional. The impeccable production by Jordi Matas and co-production by Joan Pons elevate each track to new heights, creating a rich and enveloping sonic environment.

    In my personal opinion, Hasiera Bat is much more than just an album, it is an emotional experience that will leave you moved and in awe. It is a reminder of the transformative ability of music to touch our souls and connect us on a deeper level. So it is definitely recommended.

    Well dear friends of Rising Star, this is the music news I wanted to tell you today. The time has come to show you my latest news in the game. Without further ado, let's continue

    Buying a new card


    I am happy to share with you the most recent purchase I have made in the vibrant Rising Star universe. My purchase is a new card for my collection. Her name is: Wendy. This card like many of the previous cards I have shown you is common.

    What I liked most about her was obviously her low price which was 940 starbits. How could it be otherwise. Hahaha.😅 I'm sure you can imagine what the advantages of this card are, well yes, that's what you're thinking, Her Fans. In this case Wendy brings with her a total of 10. Which is good for me to keep growing my total fans.


    As I am doing lately, I am going to leave as a curious fact the phrase that this letter has in its description. This is the following: "Wendy paparazzi are around I face the other way".

    In this case the phrase is humorous hahaha. Poor Wendy is being followed by paparazzi, what do you think? I really like to imagine the story behind each letter. Always take a good look at your letters, you can find some very curious things.


    My General Progress.

    My Dear community, It is a real pleasure for me to share with you the progress I have made in the game this time. To begin with, I am pleased to inform you that I have reached and continue to maintain level 22, accumulating a total of 761 experience points in the process. We could say that I have completed approximately 70% of this level.

    As for my Fans, I am pleased to inform you that my total fan base has reached 265. But here I must digress, I have actually only increased by 10, some are drunks. My goal is in the next week to be able to reach 300 Fans. Either with the help of the drunks or with my own. That's why I strive to buy a new card every day.

    My Luck remains constant at 140, but will soon experience a change with the arrival of new instruments, which is scheduled to happen later this week.

    My skills remain the same, reaching 366 points, which will also change with the arrival of more skills in the music lesson missions. My current MI remains at 1. As for my card collection, I have collected a total of 29 cards, each with its own unique value and meaning.


    Well, my dear friends. That's all for today, but I'll be back soon. Greetings to all.

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