BATTLE MAGE SECRETS RULESET: Earthquake With blue magic

in voilk •  4 months ago

    The flight ability is an interesting ability that allows us to increase the possibility of dodging the attacks of many cards with ranged or melee attacks, thus having more survival for our cards.

    But if we add to that the battle rule, where 2 damage is dealt to all cards without ice, this further increases the benefit of using as many cards with flight as possible.


    RULESET: Earthquake

    All non-flying units take 2 physical damage at the end of every turn.

    Snared units are considered non-flying. Since the damage given is physical, it can be reduced to 1 if the unit has the shield ability.

    This well-used battle rule can help you win, as was the case in a combat explained earlier in this article.

    There, as you can see, is the Earthquake battle rule, essential to take victory. We can also see another extended example in this article

    My Battle


    Among the battle rules we have, in addition to EARTHQUAKE, it limits the cards we can use by not allowing the use of neutral cards, although we can still make an interesting alignment.

    Another battle rule is that all cards gain the Opportunity ability, so taking this battle rule into account, we should not put cards with a very low life level so that they resist enemy hits as much as possible and thus have enough cards left. to wreak havoc on the enemy's lineup

    Furthermore we cannot use black and green alignments and we have a limit of 44 mana which is more than enough to make our preferred alignment

    My Team


    This summoner will be fundamental in the equation that will give us which resolution will give us a victory.

    In addition to the fact that it is level 3 which activates several abilities or makes our monsters have some strengthened statistics, we have to increase the magic attack by +1, which will allow me to eliminate my enemy faster.


    This will be my main tank because of its high health of 11 and with its VOID and PHASE ability it protects itself well from them. magical attacks, in addition to his great speed would allow him to dodge attacks from distance or melee.

    It also has a great attack of 2 that the summoner would raise to 3.


    This card is a very good tank due to its great life of 10, although it does not have any special ability, however it has a great attack of 3 that the invictor raises to 4, so this card will be a great attack ally, fearsome for my opponent


    cards is essential to increase the survival of my tank by regenerating it almost at the beginning of each turn. It also eliminates any negative effect that they put on it, so if they put AFFLICTION on it to prevent it from regenerating, as it removes the effect and then regenerates it, the only way to prevent it from regenerating is by eliminating this monster


    This card will help me protect my entire lineup from EARTHQUAKE damage for one turn, thus allowing me to eliminate several cards from my enemy before they succumb to EARTHQUAKE damage.


    This card has a great life of 7 which would do it and also the AFFLICTION ability will allow me to restrict my enemy's regeneration abilities.

    It also has a great magical attack of 2 that with the +1 of the invicator will make this card have a great contribution to the attack


    This card has flight, so you won't be hurt by what could be the last card standing. It also has an attack of 2 which, with the +1 that the summoner gives it, makes this card contribute a lot to the total damage power of my lineup


    RONDA 1

    On this turn my DJINN OSHANNUS attacks his DRYBONE BARBARIAN, but this causes it to increase its speed to 3 and its attack to 88 although it remains at 7 life.

    My ANASTH SOOTHSAYER manages to eliminate his PELACOR ARBALEST before it attacks.

    RONDA 2 and 3


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