ASEAN Hive Community Challenge #98: Street Art

in voilk •  5 months ago

    My randomness for photography really came in handy this time around. I rarely go out, but when I do, I take snaps of whatever that tickles my fancy.

    For this week's ASEAN Hive Community Challenge #98, we're tasked to share some STREET ART.

    When I read the challenge post, I immediately remembered a couple shots I took from different places. They were so random and I wasn't sure whether I took the photo properly or not, so I headed to my gallery and searched for those photos.

    They were actually quite decent even though one was taken on the opposite side of the road and the other was taken at dusk. Anyway, let me show them to you below... but before that, I made this.


    I really like "street art font". For some reasons, it shouts "freedom". I used markers for this, but spray painting the wall would be very fun. I want to try it someday! ^^

    Now, on to my photos.


    If I remember correctly, this was taken when my mama and I decided to walk home instead of riding the tricyle (motorcycle with a sidecar). We went to a shopping mall in out area that time and the day was so fine that we decided to just walk.

    The art on the opposite side of the road got my attention, so I decided to take some photos of it. Here are a couple more photos below. I just cropped them, so you can see the art more clearly.



    I like how they painted the background black. The colors from the subjects really pop up! Anyway, I took this photo years ago, so I'm not sure if this street art still exists until now.

    I passed by that area a couple times recently, but I didn't really notice it. I'll try to check the place next time. :)

    Now, let me show you another street art...


    Few summers ago, I and another cousin went to my aunt's place and spent a few days there. One afternoon, we decided to go to a cafe and eat out for dinner later that night.

    The cafe and the restaurant we went to was in a plaza square. While on our way to the restaurant from the cafe, I noticed this area with street art and decided to take some photos.

    It was already late, so the lighting wasn't that good. I actually just edited the brightness and contrast of this photo to make it clearer. The designs were quite eccentric and creepy, but I like them. :)


    This tree with a lot of colorful crochet works also caught my attention. It's as if the tree trunk was doodled with very intricate designs and vibrant colors.

    When creating artworks, I enjoy coloring the most... that's why I'm into painting and the like. It would be awesome to see art everywhere!

    Thanks for reading and see you around! (^^,)/

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