Saturday A glorious sunrise

in voilk •  2 months ago

    A glorious sunrise

    Good Morning all, have a great weekend

    Today I am going to share a few photos I got on an early morning walk by the pier and Boat Ramp on Rodney French Blvd here in New Bedford.

    Of recent I have been good, or perhaps sensible for the most part and not going out unless the real feel temp is above 40F, trying to stay healthy for the three and a bit weeks between now and my surgery, and something I agreed with my wife, trying to also keep her calm before it, so do not tell her but this morning looking at the weather apps and particularly the cloud formations i had a feelign it would be a nice surise, so I choose to ignore that although the temp was 42, with the wind the real feel was 38.

    Well let me tell you I think they got the real feel wrong, the wind was stronger than I expected and cut right through me, my chest was fine I had layers on, but my hands feet and legs really felt it, took ages for them to warm up after the walk, but it was worth it one of the nicest sunrises I have seen for a while as I hope these photos show

    beautiful sunrise but windy-1.jpg

    Sony A7iv 25mm F9 30 Sec ISO 100
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    NOw the fun thing with going out for sunrises you never know what your going to get, looking at cloud formations all be it on weather apps as its to dark to see them when I head out, you can have a guess what it will be like, sometimes you get it right or get lucky as I did they day I took these shots, but the day after that I would have guessed a similar or even better sunrise and it didnt turn out to be much at all

    Standing onthe boat Ramp

    beautiful sunrise but windy-2.jpg

    Sony A7iv 17mm F8 30 Sec ISO 100
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    in the vcar park for the boat ramp looking out over the pier

    beautiful sunrise but windy-3.jpg

    Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1/2 Sec ISO 100
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    Standing on the pier

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    Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1/2 Sec ISO 100
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    and on the walk way around the Cisco restaurant

    beautiful sunrise but windy-5.jpg

    Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1/2 Sec ISO 100
    Click here to view larger

    And that’s all folks

    unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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