From The HedgeLab To The Great Oak Tree! (A Grounded Adventure!)

in voilk •  15 hours ago

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    Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

    Still Caught Up In The HedgeLab!

    Not for long though, not for long!

    I know you probably think we are running in circles and we might be (Not really though) but we are getting progress! I think the "HedgeLab" was just one hell of a challenge for a newbie begining party We don't even have the proper armor yet!

    However we are getting there!

    I did manage to fall out of the tree again while trying to make my way back to "ThiNk" and it posed its own set of problems! Now I have to say all this retrying and retrying really is worth it, I do have a great idea of the layout of the "HedgeLab" thus far!

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    Needless to say that when I fell from the tree I got mauled up by some nasty looking spiders! That is never a good way to go!

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    A Broken Little Squishy Thing!

    Hahaha this I found quite ironic! JUST A LITTLE! (no pun intended!)

    By the time I got back to "ThiNk" in the "HedgeLab" I was a broken little thing! My spear was non-existent and I didn't even have my armor equipped! I was so confused at first until think mentioned it might be broken!

    The thought never even occured to me, after all we have been through quite some fights while we were caught up here right!

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    We Found It!


    We finally found the "Super Disc" and now we can be out of here for good! To be honest I have had enough of this "HedgeLab" for now and I doubt I'd soon return to this bogged up spiders nest!

    I've died too much and lost too much in the process! Not that anything forward would be much easier right!

    We've still got some heavy journeys ahead and I am keen on those though! But for now the "HedgeLab" can be forgotten about!

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    What A Beautifull Sight!

    Now this was out of this world! Legitly!

    Once we got to the edge of the hedge the entire yard cleared out infront of us and that was one damned gorgeous sight!
    I messed up real bad at this point though!

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    I wanted to go to this lookout point over here but I fucked up real bad!
    Clumsy feet once again fell from the ledge and plummeted towards the ground!

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    The Yard Is Massive!

    Needless to say the yard is absolutely massive!

    At first I thought that we've explored the bulk of it already but we really haven't, there's lots of places that we have not yet treaded onto and that... well that in itself is actually quite scary!

    Well to the scary adventures that lies ahead for us!

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    Back At Basecamp!

    We've made it out of the worst of the worst and soon we will place ourselves in even worse! I think!

    So while we were back at basecamp we decided to reinforce our armors and replenish our food stocks! A great idea let me tell you that! We were low on almost everything!
    I do wonder if there is some way to store water! That would be interesting!

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    At War With The Ants!

    We fell into a war with the ants! It might turn into a blood bath real soon!
    Of-course we did not mind one bit... we needed some parts for the armor we had and we still needed to get armor for the sister! SO FIGHT ON!

    However we might have bit off too much for what we could chew on!
    Not a problem ey but w fought real hard there and those were just ants!

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    The Great Oak Tree!

    After finding the "SuperChip" things led us back to the "Great Oak Tree." We were a little lost at first and things seemed confusing around the oak tree but eventually we found the lab in the oak tree again and we were able to give the chip to "Burg.L" he then informed us of more labs!


    Yeahp this is going to get very exciting and I think those are going to be a hell of a experience or a hellish one! They sound scary no doubt about that!

    Adventure awaits!

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    Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

    To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

    If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

    Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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