Alive And Thriving - March 16 2024 - Awesome Posts Collection

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Made in Desygner, photo by @flaxz

    Alive And Thriving - March 16 2024 - Awesome Posts Collection

    Welcome to our daily curation report featuring awesome content posted with the #aliveandthriving tag in the We Are Alive Tribe, and moderated by Team Alive.

    Posts Moderated By @iamraincrystal
    @manuvert shares a perfect and balanced day. His photos are always awesome. Total bonus are furbabies LeChat and Kaia who bring smiles to my day.
    Thank you to @preciouz-01 for sharing his fun day with friends. It brought me lots of wonderful memories as I used to go biking with my cousins when we were on vacation (many years ago).

    Posts Moderated By @benthomaswwd
    @lisamgentile1961 shares her goals and savings as she builds her wallet on Hive
    @jlufer shares some pictures from his days and writes about the high tempatures he has experienced
    @whitneyalexx looks above her world and captures a natural explosion in the sky

    Posting Guidelines

    Here is our official guide, We Are Alive Tribe - The Guide.

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    Here is our posting guidelines for #aliveandthriving content in the We Are Alive Tribe.

    • The 4 points of #aliveandthriving, the first point is mandatory, then add one or more of the rest, share your journey to thrive in life.

    Made in Canva

    Team Alive

    This is the members of Team Alive that are moderating #aliveandthriving content in the We Are Alive Tribe.

    8e3493708303a0c08464289c9a9e69e819bcfbf7cd77aed5c6a87fae8f95cf2e.0_copy_200x200.jpg@iamraincrystalModerator/Alive Video Master - 20211227_133449_0000.png
    benthumbsupoffice_copy_200x200.jpg@benthomaswwdModerator - 20211227_133748_0000.png
    img_0.6845866328574595_copy_200x200.jpg@jmis101Moderator - 20221211_184021_0000.png
    IMG_20211228_191422_420~2_copy_200x200.jpg@tydynrainComment Moderator - 20221120_160438_0000.png

    Thank You!

    Thank you very much for checking out our curation report, make sure to also check out the awesome posts featured here, and ...

    Stay safe, awesome and alive!

    Team Alive

    Click the ecover below to download our free ebook.

    Made in Desygner and Adazing, photo by @flaxz


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