The Arrowhead

in voilk •  3 months ago

    "You'd never fully understand the statement 'uneasy lies the head that wears the crown' until you find yourself in a leadership position," Isaac shouted. He had been engaged in a fierce argument with his angry spouse about the actions of Lord Toranaga in the ongoing FX series Shõgun.

    Lizzy had been enraged with Lord Toranage due to his antics of acting weak to deceive Lord Ichido and Lady Ochiba while his son and best friend sacrificed their lives for his cause. She had wanted Toranaga to launch a full on assault and take the fight to Osaka like a brave Shogun would've done. As the argument between Isaac and Lizzy continued, each point she said made her believe she was indeed right in her thinking.

    Though Lizzy's stance is understandable, the fact remains that being a leader in a particular space is a glorious privilege that comes with unbelievable responsibility and painful sacrifices to match. And as the arrowhead, the whole followers always have their gazes fixated squarely on the leader. Why? Because they know their lives are in the hands of their leader; they go wherever he leads them.

    In the picture prompt, we have a king with his armies probably marching on to war. As awesome as it may seem to have the power to declare war, that king is definitely in severe pain and torn apart within himself as he matches to battle.

    In one of the movies I've seen, I learnt that a wise king learns the act of preventing war, not avoiding it. He is not just a soldier who lives for the battlefield and wants to be out there clubbing down enemies. The glory of a soldier comes from how fiercely he's willing to lay down his life to save his realm. But, for a king, the stakes are much higher.

    That king leading his soldiers to battle would've had sleepless nights before declaring war. For one, he knows not all those soldiers going with him will return. So, some young children will become fatherless; some wives will be widowed. Asides that, war drains money. A lot of money will be required for weapons, training and feeding of the multitude of soldiers before, during and after the war.

    As scared as he may be, the king must hide his fear and doubts in the presence of his subjects. He must be resolute; even in the face of impending defeat he must not show fear. The moment he transmits fear or doubt, the camp will be divided. His followers will seek a new leader amidst them for reassurance. They wouldn't want to get wiped out.

    In daily living, the life of a leader is exhausting. His words are taken out of context; his actions are magnified. He is not allowed to show weakness in the face of adversity; his pains and tears are his and his alone. Even after a torrid night, he is expected to show up the next morning in his best behavior. A leader is not allowed to faint.

    Though I don't know what fate has in store for Lord Toranaga, one thing I do know is that every of his moves has been about sacrificing little to save many - even if those little are the dearest ones to him. A brave leader would rather lose his own son than to keep him and watch five hundred of his subjects lose their children. He prioritizes the wellbeing of the whole group before that of himself.

    So, next time you come across a leader who commands deep respect from his followers, try to ask what he has sacrificed. And then ask yourself if you are strong enough to do the same. Because everyone is not destined to be a leader!

    This is my response to A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words contest on Freewriters.



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