Exploring the Night Owl Lifestyle: Dreams, Imagination, and Unusual Experiences

in voilk •  3 months ago

    There is this common saying that the early bird catches the worm, and while that's true, it's worth noting that for some, the night holds its own allure. That being said, it means we've got two sets of people around the globe, and for being personal, though I love sleep and do try as much as possible to get enough of it, I'm a night crawler. Looking back to my childhood days, I can't help but remember days when elders gathered children in my neighborhood to tell us stories under the brightness of the moon. I remember how most of these kids slept off before the story ended and had to be carried inside. I was different because I'm always awake to not only witness that but also walk inside myself.

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    Now, that doesn't mean I despise sleep. In fact, I enjoy it, and whenever I've got no schedule to catch up with, I can go on to sleep for as long as 9 hours, or even more on some days when I've probably overworked myself the previous night. But then I know the importance of sleeping and how it shouldn't be taken for granted because it helps us stay sane and be able to perform our duties efficiently without breaking down.

    And through the years, I've come to notice that a lot of things happen to me. Most of them are called dreams, and to me, they're the same and could be more. The reason I said so is because when I sleep, I then dream, and what I dream about are usually things related to my physical life or current happenings around me, like a movie I recently watched, what I'm going through, or, weird enough, sometimes something that's about to happen.

    To start with, if I do have weird dreams or not, I remember when I was very much younger, I was sent on an errand while I was playing, and I totally forgot about it. Then, at night, while I was sleeping and dreaming, it was like, Remember, I was sent to get something, and for some reason I forgot, so in order not to get into trouble, I stood up and went to the place where I was sent to get the items.

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    The truth is, I was sleepwalking even though it all looked like a dream, and I got to the place in the middle of the night and kept knocking to inform them I wanted to buy something, but no one responded, and neither did I give up. It felt so real. Well, to cut a long story short, my parents woke up in the middle of the night and realized I wasn't inside. They searched the whole house, and I was nowhere to be found. Then they noticed the outside door was open.

    They started walking through the streets in search of me, only to find me in the front of a close shop, knocking and saying I want to buy the item I was sent. They quicky came to me, shook me till I came back to my senses, and asked what I was doing there. All I could say was, weren't you the ones who sent me on an errand, and they were like, Yes, we did, but when you didn't go, we already went ourselves, and now it's even in the middle of the night.

    Till date I still can't believe, that I walked that distance while sleeping. I was dreaming, and while walking everything seems like real and it's day time, unknown to me that it's midnight and I was only sleep walking, it's kind of weird and strange because prior to that very day, I never really slept walked before.

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    Aside from this, being someone who's so into horror movies and space flights, on most occasions when I sleep and dream, my imagination usually takes me to dreams that revolves around things I'm imagining or a recent movie I just watched. Just a few days ago, I watched a horror movie titled The Haunted Hotel, and it turned out that after watching, I had almost a similar dream, like I was in that movie or had my own share of experience, I even wrote a short playlet about that dream.

    But regardless of whether it's a normal movie I watch or a horror one, one thing that's certain is that it usually brings out the best in me. In the form of imagination in my dreams, that goes on to help me have thrilling and inspiring fictional stories to write. To be truthful, most of the fiction stories I've written are a product of my dreams, and the power of my imagination keeps me getting things done the way I like in some of my dreams.

    To some, it might seem strange, but that's me, and I love me; it's what makes us unique and different from one another; what inspires me might be someone else's worst nightmare.

    That's my entry for the April Inleo initiative #aprilinleo. I hope you enjoyed the read. I'll love to invite you to join us in writing about this month-long initiative, and to find out all you need to know, read the announcement post.

    Thanks for your time, and have a good day.

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