RogueTech: Baiting Kill Teams (AAR #005)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    RogueTech: Baiting Kill Teams (AAR #005).jpg

    The Marauders are taking on harder and harder skull missions and picking up the loot that is commensurate with the risks. The company still weighs in as a medium weight double lance... with a heavy hitting Typhoon assault tank that still is raking in a good chunk of the kills. However, with the heavier opponents taking the field, the Typhoon is no longer the risk-free killer that it once was, and it definitely needs the support of the faster Mechs to avoid being flanked and wiped out.

    RogueTech: Baiting Kill Teams (AAR #005).jpg

    Thankfully, the company is starting to pick up some very nice Clan OmniMechs in the higher Medium weight class, and that is leading to some interesting flexible loadouts that can start to replace the Inner Sphere variants that have been the mainstay of the group. For instance, this almost intact captured Stormwolf can double as a missile or laser boat that would be an almost direct replacement for the Dervish that is currently in the roster.

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    ... but refits and complete rebuilds need money. And the arenas of solo and duo duels are still the place to pick up quick cash... no salvage and cash only contracts, with a fast turn around time for repairs due to the low commitment of forces. A handful of these contracts in short succession can net a few million C-Bills in a week or two. As long as I'm prepared to rotate my roster.

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    ... but the objective now is to try and upgrade the roster of Mech chassis in the company to a heavier footing. And the most reliable way to do that is to go hunting after heavy Mech lances and put holes in their machines and then salvage what is left! So, any contract that mentions a heavy lance taking the field in the intelligence is prioritised regardless of whether it is a known trap or not!

    RogueTech: Baiting Kill Teams (AAR #005).jpg

    Many of these engagements turn out to be cakewalks, and only promise the salvage of the lighter heavy class Mechs... but a step up is a step up!

    RogueTech: Baiting Kill Teams (AAR #005).jpg

    Meanwhile, I ended up refitting the Stormwolf into a ranged Ultra Autocannon platform. Low heat generation, fast movement for finding sniper spots, and a nice punch at long range. When heavier Mechs come online (if...), this will be repurposed to be a flanker... but for the moment, it will serve a sniping role. Close in firepower is provided by a pair of Micro Laser Arrays... interesting additions to my arsenal from salvage and after seeing them in action, I will have to refit them to a flanker laser Mech. The fast and low damage at ultra short range doesn't fit well with the Sniper role!

    RogueTech: Baiting Kill Teams (AAR #005).jpg

    Meanwhile, one of the heavier Inner Sphere Mechs has been refitted to be a LRM support Mech. The ability to lay down minefields is a useful addition especially during the first contact phases of a battle. Forcing the enemy Mechs to take damage wading through positions is always handy.... I just need to find some Inferno ammo and then I can also reduce their heat dissipation capacity, hopefully hobbling their ability to commit full firepower against my company.

    RogueTech: Baiting Kill Teams (AAR #005).jpg

    ... and with that, it is time to seek more dangerous pastures. Further into Clan Ghost Bear territory, and a three green skull planet. More risk, more reward!

    RogueTech: Baiting Kill Teams (AAR #005).jpg

    And one of the first rewards is this Stormcrow... crazy full of holes, but repairable... in exchange for C-bills and time. But it is worth it, it is a much better missile boat option!

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    ... and hunting down heavier Mechs does come with some serious nerve-racking moments. Such as trying to take down this Hunchback... equipped with an Ultra AC20 that spits out two heavy slugs. A single slug will cripple pretty much every Mech in my arsenal... and two hits will definitely result in a slagged heap and a Mechwarrior in the medbay, or morgue.

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    ... but the nice loot keeps coming in. A 65-ton Crusader Heavy, Inner Sphere variant but still heavy is heavy!

    RogueTech: Baiting Kill Teams (AAR #005).jpg

    There is lots that will need to be replaced, but again worth it if I can spare the time and money!

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    ... and again, a slight detour from building that missile boat OmniMech! This time, I've opted for another long-range Sniper role for the Stormcrow. But this time, packing a Gauss Rifle... low heat, and sending a heavy slug at supersonic speeds across a battlefield!

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    There we go, most of my engagements now start with a minefield layer on the enemy positions! Hehe...

    RogueTech: Baiting Kill Teams (AAR #005).jpg

    Another Stormcrow in the loot... and THIS time it will be a missile boat. But more importantly, a really nasty variant of the Gauss Rifle. The HA30 fires multiple large pellets of slugs, resulting in a vicious shotgun spray of supersonic particles that should shred most of the lighter Mechs and give pause to some of the Heavier ones.

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    ... and YES, finally a mid tier Heavy Mech in the form of a Grasshopper. Inner Sphere close in brawler.

    RogueTech: Baiting Kill Teams (AAR #005).jpg

    Lots to replace and refit... so, it will eb a long time before it comes online. But it will be a nice addition alongside the trusty old Hector that has been the mainstay of the company.

    RogueTech: Baiting Kill Teams (AAR #005).jpg

    ... and now, we are baiting the heavy and assault kill teams. Nerve racking again, but the loot is worth it... as long as my Mechs get away without too much of a repair bill.

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