Fermenting Nasturtium for Gut Health - by Sunscape

in voilk •  22 days ago


    My hanging basket of Nasturtiums is now large enough to pick some leaves and flowers to ferment. The entire plant is edible and very tasty, a little on the peppery or spicy side, which I love.


    This is another simple #ferment to aid the gut by introducing good bacteria through the fermenting process.

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    I always use filtered or distilled water and add whatever I have to speed up the fermenting. Today, I had some pickled jalapeno peppers and fresh garlic from the garden. I like things somewhat spicy so I added in some red pepper flakes to kick it up a notch.

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    Simply layer the ingredients in a clean jar until it is filled. Then simply add the water to the top.


    I had to go and pick a few more leaves and flowers to completely fill the jar.


    I always use a chopstick to stir the ingredients to remove any air pockets inside the jar. Then I place a lid on it leaving it loose to allow gases to escape.

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    I put the jar into a small dish in case the ferment overflows. After 2-3 days you should see bubbles rising in the jar, this means the fermenting is happening.

    You can taste the greens at this point to see if it is sour enough to your liking. I let my jar sit for 5 days and then had some of the #nasturtiums for lunch. This was the first time making this recipe and I must say I really enjoyed it.

    I have decided to start another round of seeds to have another large plant to harvest by fall. Perhaps you will try fermenting some of your edible plants and flowers to increase the good gut flora in your intestines. There are many wonderful plants for natural medicine therapy and I love learning how to use them.

    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Until next time, this is Sunscape
    Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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