An update on my health.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Since around Christmas last year my health has been... not great.

    I've pretty much been relegated to the chair for most of this year.

    I've been in a great deal of pain and discomfort having seemingly begun having a severe allergic reaction to.. something.. source is unknown.. which is bad.

    Without a source of allergy it points to one thing.

    Some form of auto-immune disorder.

    I went to see a doctor on Saturday 3rd February 2024 and after a lengthy talk about family history, symptoms and how it all started the doctor thinks it's more likely an auto-immune disorder like lupus or some rheumatoid issue.

    as Dr House MD always says it's never lupus

    Except it actually could be. Nothing definitive has been diagnosed as of yet, I have to get a blood test arranged this week and hopefully it'll shed some light on the situation.

    Right now I've been prescribed fexofenadine hydrochloride 120mg to deal with the symptoms, so far it's make life more comfortable but it seems like it's not quite strong enough.
    They are supposed to last 24hs ideally, mine so far are about 5 hours short and I'm still getting a bit of reaction popping up here and there so an increase in dosage might be needed.

    I'm only on day 2 of my meds though so the effect might also build up over time so we'll see.

    Current status:

    Alive.. somewhat comfortable, at least able to do the washing up again and actually use my hands.

    Towards the end of the day my joints, ribs.. my whole body starts seizing up as the meds effect fades and the reaction starts kicking in, makes breathing more difficult and its very painful.

    Hopefully meds effect builds up over time to cover those last 5 hours before my next tablet.

    Blood test to get definitive answers. Likely to have another life long illness to add to my list of things that are broken. yay me.

    I'm signing off on this post for now, I'll have future update when I get answers.. if I get answers.

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