A New 925 Silver Purchase Teaser & A Sad, Sad Orchid

in voilk •  4 months ago


    A Little of This and A Little of That ..

    I wasn't going to write anything today, but… Yeah, I change my mind. I thought why not deliver a little silver teaser and update on something going on with one of my orchids. I finished up work early and have a little time to jot a few thoughts down so that's what I'm going to do.

    First The Sad Little Orchid ..

    One of our Phalaenopsis Orchids is not doing well.. It's one that hasn't been doing well for a while and I believe even blogged about it not long ago. It's progressively been losing leaves and roots which is not a good thing. I don't mind a few leaves dropping off here and there but when the roots start getting soft brown, and dying back that's a problem.


    I'm going to try something different.. I looked at different ways of saving orchids that are suffering due to the lack of roots, and came up with a couple of ideas. The best of the bunch is what you're about to see. I took a water bottle and cut the top off and inserted that into The bottom of the bottle. The top of the bottle acts as a sort of pedestal to hold the little plant above the water and allowing the single root that still exists, to touch the water.


    It gets sort of tricky from here.. This could go either way because too much water could speed up the rotting process of the route, or the plant will enjoy the extra humidity and water, thus making a new route and possibly a full recovery. I'm not putting my money on this little Phal orchid surviving. Couple of the leaves that are still left are pale green at Best. It just looks sad. I hate to lose another orchid but I have to prepare myself for the high possibility that that's what's going to happen.


    Time will tell.. If this doesn't work, then I guess the alternative is that I will have to buy another. That's not such a bad thing either. After all, I just made a purchase of two additional orchid plants that are getting shipped here any day now. Once they arrive I will write up a post about the two new additions to our orchid family. That in itself is exciting stuff. Who needs any additional story about silver when you have new orchids coming to town??!

    New 925 Silver Teaser ..

    Yes, I am sorry this is just a teaser.. The new silver (925 silver) is set to arrive sometime this week. As many of you know, and have read in the past, I like to make purchases and turned around and sell them to make a profit. That's pretty much why I made this purchase and I already know that it's going to be hard to park with these items. I have an idea in mind of what to do with them that would benefit myself, and know it will be hard to part with these items if in fact they are as described. "As Described" is of upmost importance. Most of the time I can purchase something at a thrift store or an antique store and see it firsthand, but when you're purchasing online you don't always know what you're going to get. This is regardless of the quality of pictures people take. You just don't know.

    Well here is your teaser photo…


    Let's leave it at that. I'm excited and can't wait to show you all of the goodies coming. It's all 925 or what we call "Sterling Silver". Is it worth stacking? Possibly. But like I said I like to purchase it to flip so to speak. I've made a pretty good Return on my money doing so and have been able to purchase .999 grade silver with the profits. It takes a little while to do this type of thing for me it's more about the fun of doing it. Like I said the hardest part is letting go of some of these items.

    Thats it for now. Hopefully that order comes soon and I can share it with you in the next couple of days. I think the uniqueness, not rarity, of the pieces makes them interesting. I have to mentally prepare myself to part with them otherwise they will become part of my stack!

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    Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!

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