How Far Has Technology Come andHow Far Can It Still Go ?

in voilk •  2 months ago

    How Far Has Technology Come andHow Far Can It Still Go .png

    The human specie has experienced so many eras and ages over the God knows since when years we have been existing. History and science have some record about the ages which are the stone age which humans use stones as tools and weapons; all they do back then was to find and hunt for food, live inside of cages around mountains and protect themselves from wild animals. Then, the Bronze age then the Iron age. I wonder how life was for humans back then, they just hunt, eat, stay inside caves, nothing fun. Or they had their own way of having fun that we do not know

    Now, the present human, we are in the era of technology. Science has taken over, literally everywhere, in almost everything; so many things now have a bit technology added to them. It doesn't seem like technology will stop advancing anytime soon, it just keep getting better and maybe worse too. The main reason for technology is to make life easier and better which we have been experiencing for so many years but, there have also been side effects to some of the 'products' of technology, some are just minimal while some are very dangerous.

    The dependence of man on technology of course has made things better and faster, we now have quick access to many things like website where we can get informations at the tip of our fingers, we can read about anything we want to know about, learn about things that are far away from us. The advent of smartphones is a blessing to us, we get to call, chat and see those who are far away from us. Now, the recent versions of smartphones can do a lot, help us work remotely, earn online, have a life online, see any part of the world just from the screen of our phones and pc. Other products of technology like electric blenders, air conditional, cars, yatch, smart watches,etc have made life generalky easier. Ai is another entirely different topic in technology which we have been experiencing it impact for the past 5 years, and, this is just the beginning since there is more to come.

    Every Safe Journey Is A Blessing. (8).png

    Social media has blessed lives, connected people from far and near, but it still has a great bad impact on the society today. Social media is now a world where almost any thing can be said, shown and heard. But the problem is that what is been shown can't be totally filtered. So many advices about religion, relationship, marriage, work ethics, gender role and duty, appearance and many more. Anyone could just come out confidently to say their opinion about a thing, their followers buy the opinion abd gradually this might become the order of the day.

    More crazy yet amazing inventions will come soon in decades and we will get used to them because that's who we are, we humans adapt. More innovations to medicines and agriculture like genetical modification of fruits, crops and animal to give desireable results e.g early maturity, more seedlings or offsprings, resistance to particular diseases and/or pest. I just hope the next phase of technology has lesser harm to humans and earth and their are more rules guiding the innovations in technology.

    There are unimaginable things that technology will produces, the things we have now were things that no one would imagine, except the inventors. There is more to science and God knows how far it will still go because the human mind is powerful and our want are insatiable.

    The images in this post were gotten from Canva

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