The Hangover Lesson

in voilk •  4 months ago

    The Hangover Lesson


    On a Saturday evening the college pub was bustling with students. The air was filled with music as individuals danced, enjoyed beer and socialized with their friends. Over, in a corner some guys were casually sharing a drinks following their classes

    One of them was Tayo, who had already chugged down several beers pretty quickly. His buddies Jide and Segun noticed Tayo was starting to slur his words and looked a bit unsteady.
    "Hey man, you've had a whole lot already. Maybe take a break?" Jide suggested.
    Tayo brushed him off. "Nah, I'm fine! The night is young!" He stumbled over to the bar to order more drinks.

    An hour later, Tayo was in really bad shape. His eyes were glossed over and he could barely stand up straight without leaning on Jide and Segun.
    "Dude, you are totally pickled!" Segun said with a laugh. "We better get you home before you face-plant on the floor."
    "I'mmm good...jussst havin' funnn..." Tayo's words were so slurred they could barely understand him.

    Jide and Segun realized their friend had definitely drunk way too much. Getting him a ride home would not be easy.
    They managed to prop Tayo up between them and slowly make their way through the packed bar towards the exit. Tayo's head bobbed around as they walked.

    Once outside, the cool fresh air seemed to wake Tom up a little. "Where'sss my carrrr...I can drivvvve..." he mumbled.
    "No way, dude! You can barely stand up!" Jide told him firmly. "I'm calling an Uber to take you home."

    By the time the Uber arrived, Tayo had puked on the sidewalk. Jide and Segun basically had to carry their drunk friend into the backseat.
    Throughout the ride, Tayo kept passing out and then waking up mumbling weird things.
    And seriously,At one point he lurched forward looking like he might puke in the car.

    "Dude, if you puke in this guy's car, you're paying that cleaning fee!" Segun warned. He felt relieved when they finally got Tayo home.
    Getting the drunken mess inside was another battle. He was a total deadweight. Finally, they half-dragged, half-carried him to the couch where he immediately crashed out.

    "Yeesh, he's totally pickled," Jidd said, shaking his head. "I never want to get that messed up."
    "No doubt," Segun agreed. "Let's get some water and meds ready for his guaranteed monster hangover tomorrow.

    The next morning, Tayo's head was absolutely pounding as he slowly woke up. His mouth was completely dried out and he felt nauseated anytime he moved.
    Jide and Segun were there with hangover supplies ready.

    "Ughhhh...what happened last night?" Tayo groaned, struggling to remember.
    "You don't remember? You got absolutely pickled, bro!" Segun reminded him. "We had to carry you out of the bar and into the Uber. It was ugly."

    Tayo put his spinning head in his hands, feeling embarrassed. "I'm so sorry, guys. I really overdid it, didn't I?"
    Jide patted him on the back. "Yeah, you did! But no worries, we've all gone too far sometimes. Just be more careful next time."

    Tayo nodded, still feeling waves of nausea and dizziness. "Lesson learned the hard way...I'm never drinking that much again!"

    While the hangover would stick with him all day, Tayo was grateful to have such good friends who looked out for his drunken self. He would definitely remember this experience the next time he felt like going overboard.

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