Daily Blog 009: Photography

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    Another day for today where I can get to exercise and make me fit. Today, me and my daughter went outside to play with her friends' bicycle because she likes to ride this bicycle. I also plan on buying a bicycle for her so that she will be happy and have her own bicycle.


    Anyway, while I was strolling around the neighborhood, I saw this 2 beautiful flowers just outside my neighbor's house. So, I took a photo of it but I don't know the name of these flowers. It is really beautiful outside.


    For the yellow one, I saw this beside their house and took a photo because I was amaze by its color and it is really smooth when I touch it.

    I also saw this purple flower that is inside a garden with 5 petals on it. I smelled it and it smells good but I think roses' smell is one of the best. I would also like to pick one up but one of my neighbor saw me when I grab it so I didn't pick it up maybe because this is precious to them.


    After taking photos, my daughter ride her bicycle and go around in a circle. She is practicing how to bike and I love it when she learns something new in her childhood.

    It brings back memories when I saw my daughter smiling and at the same time happy when she played it. I also like to ride this tiny little bicycle because I don't know how to ride a big bicycle. It took her almost an hour before we go home, she doesn't want to go home because she really likes to ride a bicycle but I told her that we will go here again because it's almost lunch time and she didn't eat her lunch yet.

    I will make a saving to some of my money to buy this kind of bike. How about you? What did you do today? I hope you have a good exercise today.



    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

    Daily Activity, Photowalking, Play with kids/grand kids, Walking

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