A Home in the Blockchain

in voilk •  4 months ago

    A home in the Blockchain.png

    I celebrated my 6th year anniversary in the blockchain last March 1st. Quite honestly, I didn't think I'll stay this long if not for the community. When I joined the blockchain, it was towards the beginning of the bear market. I literally had no idea what that was. Then after a couple of years in, I experienced that thing they call the bull run. That's when I understood the difference of bear and bull.

    I literally just joined because I needed a platform where I can blabber to my heart's content and earn while I'm doing that. Writing my thoughts and learnings and my homeschooling journey is still the major reason, I'm not complaining about the earnings but hey, it's nice that I know I can unload my thoughts somewhere.

    My first few months was daunting. I was like a lost sheep. Until I found the Philippine communities that helped me get my footing. I haven't looked back since. I am still here, having fun, meeting new friends, teaching some techniques I learned along the way, learning from the younger generation.

    For this month's blogging contest by @hiveph, they are asking what do you enjoy most about HivePH. There really is so many things I enjoy about Hive PH.

    The first thing I like about the HivePH community is meeting new people from different parts of the country - even pinoys outside of the archipelago. Humans are social animals and I for one, even if I'm too lazy to go out sometimes want to meet new people too. I like how they open up themselves to everyone else in the community. I love the way they support and uplift each other in more ways than one. I mean the HivePH community must have been able to foster a warm and welcoming environment to make these people feel comfortable with each other. Sure, some of them come and go, but the friendships - even outside of the blockchain - remains.

    I also love how active the discord server is now. It used to be just a quiet place where people would drop their links and hope that other people would notice it and leave an upvote. Now, there is so much more to the HivePH discord server than just a share your post channel. Last Friday, the ladies team - Jiji, Witty, Cindee and I - won in the family feud game night hosted by Demotry. I don't always join the games weekly whenever I get a chance, the staff of HivePH does not fail to keep the community as lively as it is now.

    I also love seeing how well the old-timers teach the newbloods the ins and outs of the blockchain. Any newbie could join the discord server, ask their question - if they haven't found the answer already in the helpful guides channel - and surely would receive an answer that will help them in their journey. I know how it feels to be a newbie and I am so ecstatic seeing how each member of the HivePH community - not just the staff - assist the newbies when they have difficulties in their blogging.

    When I did the short stint of leading this community a while back, my vision was for it to be a nesting ground for new Filipino bloggers. I wanted each member to learn everything there is to be learned about the Hive platform, including how to behave as a citizen, so that when the time comes that they feel they are ready to soar and explore on their own, they have been equipped with everything that they need.

    Hive PH has been my training ground when I was new and ever since, it has been my home in the blockchain. There is a high chance I may not have stayed this long if not for this community. So I am very thankful for the people behind this community for making Hive PH as homey as possible for strays like me.


    Copy of Nanay Romeski (4 x 1.5 in) (2.5 x 1.5 in) (2 x 1 in) (3 x 1 in) (4 x 3 in) (2.5 x 1.5 in) (3 x 1.5 in).png

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