in voilk •  3 months ago



    The ruleset for this week's challenge


    • Ferocity - All units have the Fury ability

    The ruleset that I managed to get


    • Rulesets - Rise of the Commons, Ferocity & Keep Your Distance
    • Mana Cap - 28
    • Active Elements - image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png


    Here's my starting lineup

    Summoner: Immortalis

    • With this weeks challenge I was assuming my enemy would play some kind of magic comp so I played Immortalis to counter it
    • And even if my enemy wouldn't play magic team, Immortalis was still a great summoner because of -1 hp and Shatter
    1st Position: Furious Chicken

    • Furious Chicken was actually my last pick and I picked him just because I had 0 mana left
    • But just because he costs 0 mana means why not play him if you have the room he will block at least 1 attack
    2nd Position: Regal Peryton

    • Regal Peryton was my main tank for this battle
    • Main reason I like Regal Peryton here a lot is his Flying ability and super high speed
    • Flying - Has a 25% bonus chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Units who do not have the flying ability
    3rd Position: Goblin Psychic

    • Goblin Psychic was my first healer for this comp
    • For 6 mana you get 2 magic damage, 1 speed and 5 hp with 2 amazing abilities
    • Tank Heal - Restores a third of max health to the Unit in the first position each round
    • Affliction - When this unit hits a target, it has a 50% chance of applying Affliction on the target causing it to be unable to be healed
    4th Position: Mushroom Seer

    • Next up in line is one lovely anti magic card
    • Even tho the base stats aren't the greatest for 5 mana which matters is his Silence ability
    • Silence - Reduces the Magic attack of all enemy Units by 1
    5th Position: Wood Nymph

    • Wood Nymph was the second healer in my team just cause why not
    • With two healers I was hoping to outheal my enemies damage
    • And even tho Wood Nymph's stats are much worse for only 2 less mana I like the Tank Heal too much to leave her out of the team
    • Tank Heal - Restores a third of max health to the Unit in the first position each round
    6th Position: Octopider

    • Goblin Dartling was my backline tank for this battle
    • His stats are so bad but I only had 2 mana and for that I can't really complain


    Starting board


    • Already after seeing the starting board I was confident I would win because with my Void ability my enemy only had 4 damage each round and I had resources to outheal that
    • Even tho he had Poison I was quite sure that was not going to make a difference
    • But lets start the battle and have a look


    Here's how the battle went

    1st Round


    • In the 1st Round nothing special happened
    • We both managed to kill 1 monster
    2nd Round


    • After 2nd Round my board was still looking almost as healthy as in the beginning
    • My theory of outhealing my enemy was working as planned as far as my enemy doesn't hit his Poison
    3rd Round


    • In the 3rd Round my enemy managed to apply his Poison
    • But it was to late the first attack was my one and after his second to last monster dies he had no more damage left to do anything the victory was mine
    4th Round


    • It took me 1 round to kill my enemies last standing monster
    • After his Dhampir Stalker had fallen I took the victory
    • Battle Replay Link



    • This battle was definitely heavily one sided but still fun to watch
    • I believe the strategy to take away from this battle is the double healer combo
    • If you also would like to hop on the Splinterlands train feel free to use my Referral


    Thanks for reading and thanks for all the upvotes, reblogs, comments and follows. And till the next challenge, KEEP BATTLING!

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