Leo Dex Giving Your Swapping a Smooth and Easy Ride

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Its no longer a news about the launch of Leo Dex, one of the biggest and newest development birthed out from Leofinance community.Such a good news this is as just like a road or a bridge been built that undergoes construction, this is the case of Leo Dex as this has undergone some constructions earlier before now. Firstly the whole process started with the annoucement of it, then doing the underground work by linking with maya protocol for the laying of foundation, doing the necessary plugins and integrations with alot of testings and retesting and here we are now with the launch of Leo Dex, such a hard work and dedication has been materialised and everyone of us have lived to see Leo Dex become a reality, to me this is a good news and a source of motivation to me in the sense that if i dream it and put the necessary works, i can achieve it.

    Long before now there have been cases of swapping issues with many sorts of technological bugs as related to swapping and ofcourse greater percentage of all swapping and more are done on centralized exchanges such as binnace, OKX and more but truly this has not given the blockchain as a whole a good sense of ownership and free navigation when it comes to swapping but a different case is what we are talking about right now as Leo Dex becomes a reality.

    In addition to the launch of Leo Dex, there are some interesting things to know about it as it links with Maya protocol. These interesting things makes the Leo Dex make the users have a real sense of belonging and more relaxed when swapping. Some of these includes:


    A self explanatory UI. This comes as turn up to an easy peasy added to the user interface of Leo Dex with very good touches and sense of colors that highlights areas of the swapping process, making the users have a beautiful environment of Leo Dex while the process of swapping continues.


    A very fast and reliable swapping process. This is another great addictive to the swapping process in Leo Dex. Just a matter of seconds the whole mountain have been brought low and the wrapping process completed which automatically leaves the user with a smile and a sense of "we go again next time". This making me believe the leo team and the group of tech a trust, just as you asked for it and we brought it.


    The price tags and the swapping fees is another thing well appreciated on Leo Dex. Following yesterday's #AMA and talks around leo Dex are talked about, it was said that presently, we rank 5. Thus it is proving that the swap fees aren't high as one might think because had it been it where, we should have been seeing around ranking 10 or more. With more swapping and better feedback dropped we aim to hit the 1st in ranking.


    With the unveiling of Leo Dex, a new dimension of activity and adoption which of course will have somethings to say about prices of hive, Leo and more would be experienced on the Blockchain. The Leo team is changing the methodology of many things on the blockchain, increasing adoption rate and speed.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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