Why do something if you do not plan on doing it well?

in voilk •  17 days ago


    Yesterday I talked about the famous footballer launching his own coin and I got a comment from @takhar which I then have him a reply with the screenshot below.


    After I wrote that response, I realized, "Oh, this was actually a brilliant plan." I believe that people underestimate the value of effort.

    Sometimes we intend to do something to improve our financial situation, but we end up with a ridiculous plan that shows no effort due to unintentional laziness. I do not doubt that Ronaldinho is broke; in fact, his drug expeditions demonstrated how desperate he was to make money.

    Here's what he could have done

    In my opinion, he sold himself short. Being a footballer, retired or active, makes you a celebrity, and he was a fine footballer back in the day; if nothing else, he was one of the greatest football players of all time. Launching a scam token demonstrated a lack of productivity and creativity.

    In response to @takhar, I mentioned that he was already a global brand. What he needed to do was launch a jersey merchandise line, sign them, and begin selling them.

    Now he would not just sell it. He can still go on to launch his token, but most importantly, give this token utility by offering it as a way to purchase an original jersey signed by him. This way, his token will have a use case.

    Instead Of Selling dreams, why not sell utility?

    In fact, using his connections, he can approach his fellow footballers, persuade a few of them to get involved in his merchandise business, and then begin selling exclusive signed jerseys and even auction them off while offering discounts if they pay with his coin.

    This way, liquidity flows into the coin, and people see it as a way to obtain a jersey signed by him.

    He already has an advantage in terms of historical relevance, so why not capitalize on it and regain traction?

    While it takes a lot of effort and creativity to come up with great ideas, I believe we sometimes want money too much without realizing we do not have a solid plan to make it.

    Sometimes we look at the results only

    ....We want to move up the effort and work ladder without actually creating anything. Instead of putting our creativity to the test and producing genuine results, we sabotage ourselves by being too lazy.

    It is like trying to persuade a wealthy man to invest in your business, but all you can say is "ser, please give me the money, I promise I will do my best"; these are just sentimental talks with no proof of work. People want to have valuable interactions that will change their lives, but the effort they put in is terrible.

    This happens on Hive too

    Sometimes people become too complacent and lazy; they do not make an effort to add value, instead simply saying "nice post, I like what you mean" wherever they go.

    I mean, if you want to interact, do you want to leave that first impression of yourself? Do you want people to see you as a one-minute person because you are too lazy to create the interactions you desire?

    Laziness comes as a huge cost, but sometimes we undermine the consequences because of lethargy. People want to do everything, putting 1% of their effort into 200 places when they could put 10% of their effort into ten.

    It is the divide and conquer mindset, which we sometimes employ in order to make the most of our time.

    You cannot afford to be lazy

    Recently, I decided to branch out into other areas to see what kind of exposure I could get, and this is when I realized that many people in the crypto space work tirelessly. You are surprised at how quickly they can move, and when you compare that to the effort you put in, you realize you will never make it.

    It does not take much to be creative; all we need is a craft that stands out, because otherwise, why would you try anything if you knew you would not do it well? It reminds me of the DHF, too. I mean, are the primary stakeholders who fund valueplan and co's proposals too lazy to demand accountability?

    I mean, how can you give someone money without asking for accountability?

    Is this a money-laundering scheme? I mean, it does not take much to draft a creative process that will cleanse the DHF and make it great again, but decentralization also allows for laziness.

    As for the Ronaldinho scam coin, this man could have literally used his popularity to come up with something creative, but I suppose if we are not as creative or lazy, we probably need smarter people to motivate us to do better.

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