How Do you Beat The Heat Challenge: "Nature Travel Adventure And Water Splashing at The River"

in voilk •  3 months ago


    This week's challenge is much related here in our Country because of the intense heat happens here. Some Schools declared non-class because of the heat that might be affected the students. For this week's challenge with the theme, HOW DO YOU BEAT THE HEAT initiated by our Friend @justinparke. This photos of mine is already in previous but this is what I always do specially now-a-days. The place like Rivers, Sea shores, Mountains and In the midst of the forest is perfect spots if we want to do traveling. It keeps ourselves cool and relaxing because of the great and relaxing views and also the fresh air. The first photo that I am going to share is this, and I was very enjoyed splashing at the water. Our house is near at the river and it is very easy to went to the place. This is a good kind in order to keep myself cool, refreshing and beating the heat brought by the summer season. The river is very clean and it surrounded with tall trees, wild flowers and grass. There are also parts in the river that contains a shallow and deep areas and this is the perfect place to go swimming.


    The river contains this crystal clear water and I can be abled to see the sands and stones under the water. It is perfect to go swimming at a time of 7 in the morning. The water is very cold and the winds blowing the leaves of the trees. I spend many hours of splashing and swimming at the river. It is also lucky for me to go swimming because of the big trees grows at the cliff and also near at the river. I felt very relaxing because of the coolness and freshness of water at the river. I always did this specially during heat or summer season. Shoreline is very far from our place and it needs to travel for a few minutes before it will reached the shoreline.



    Our river is very helpful and important to us here, the water will used for watering the plants, cleaning the house, water for raising animals, washing up clothes and for bathe activities. There are also lots of animals like shrimps, fish and shells can be seen. This is the place were I always do swimming because of the shallow and deep areas, sometimes I used dipper when I quitely tired. This place is perfect for swimming spots because of the sands and peebles can be seen here.

    Beating The Heat By Doing Nature travel Adventure:



    I also love exploring the beautiful and relaxing place just like mountains and forest areas. I always do this and this is already part of my hobbies in life. This photo is the great spring in Kabingatan mountain located at Border point of Manticao and Naawan. I tried to drink some water in this spring and it is very cold and refreshing. They used bamboo so that the water will easily fetch in one place.


    Having an enjoyable Nature travel activities can keep myself beating the heat of the sun. The time when I do this kind of activities, I hurriedly went to the place were there are many trees and wild plants found. A clear and nicest over views at the mountain tops is also good added with the blown winds and swaying trees because of the wind. This is only a kind of activities to beat the heat and I don't eat any cold snacks instead I keep myself doing some simple activities just like this. I would like to invite everyone to join this wonderful challenge. Thank you for visiting and reading my post, have a nice day everyone.

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