in voilk •  3 months ago


    Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? Luke 6:46.


    We cause the Lord great pain when we keep calling Him Lord and yet refuse to do what He says.


    The Oxford dictionary defines lamentation as "a passionate expression of grief or sorrow, weeping."

    Do you know that our Lord Jesus experiences grief and sorrow when we call Him Lord, yet refuse to heed to the things He tells us to do? What is the expression of our Lord towards you whenever He looks at you and the life you live daily? Does He grieve, or does He rejoice?

    Jesus is tired of Christians who will preach about Him, Sing about Him, and Pray in His name, but refuse to obey His instructions. What gives the Lord joy isn't that we preach Him or pray in His name, but that we steadfastly carry out His instructions in our daily life.

    In our text for today, the Lord expressed grief as He spoke to the people, saying, "Why do you call me Lord, Lord when you do not do the things that I say?" Is the Lord lamenting because of you? Are you the reason for His grief?

    Refusing to do as He said, is refusing to behave like Him and failing to showcase His nature and character to the world.

    Do you know that you can be one of the few believers who will cheer our Lord Jesus up by giving Him pleasure through our Christian living on earth?

    Decide not contribute to the lamentation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Choose to obey His instructions in your daily life.
    Behave like Him and showcase His nature and character to the world.
    Make it your goal to give pleasure to our Lord Jesus Christ through your Christian living on earth.
    Don't be the reason for His grief, but rather a source of joy for Him.
    Let your actions speak louder than your words, and let obedience be the hallmark of your faith.
    Strive to align your will with His and surrender all areas of your life to Him.
    Seek His guidance and direction in all that you do, trusting that He knows what is best for you.
    Repent of any disobedience or rebellion in your heart and ask for His forgiveness.
    Allow the Holy Spirit to transform you from the inside out, so that you may reflect the image of Christ to the world
    Remember that obedience is not a burden, but a privilege and an opportunity to honor and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Continuously seek to deepen your relationship with Him through prayer, reading His word, and fellowship with other believers.
    Let love be the foundation of all that you do, as this is the greatest commandment that Jesus gave us.
    Be a witness for Christ by sharing His love and truth with those around you, both in word and in deed.
    Trust in His promises and have faith that He will guide you every step of the way.
    Persevere through trials and difficulties, knowing that they are opportunities for growth and refinement in your faith.
    Surrender your fears, doubts, and insecurities to Him, knowing that He is faithful to bring healing and restoration to your life.
    Remember that our Lord Jesus Christ is not just a distant figure or historical character, but a living Savior who desires to have a personal relationship with each one of us.
    May our lives be a living testimony of His grace and power at work in us.


    Seek to deepen your relationship with God through prayer, reading His word, and fellowship with other believers.

    Let love be the foundation of your actions, following Jesus' commandment. Share Christ's love and truth with others through words and deeds.

    Trust in God's promises and have faith in His guidance. Endure trials as opportunities for growth in faith. Surrender fears and doubts to God for healing and restoration. Jesus is a living Savior who wants a personal relationship with everyone. Live as a testimony of God's grace and power in your life.


    If you would like to give your life to Jesus, you can do so by saying this prayer:

    Lord Jesus, I come to you a sinner. I ask that you forgive my sins. I accept you into my heart as my Lord and personal saviour. Thank you for saving me, in Jesus name. Amen.


    Father, may my life not cause You to lament over me, in Jesus' name. Amen.


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