Caroline Ellison is finally sentenced! Lightly...

in voilk •  4 days ago

    Hi HODLers, Hiveans and Lions,

    Finally, Caroline Ellison was sentenced by a Federal Judge.

    The Judgement:

    • Have to forfeit about $11 billion,
    • Could serve the sentence at a minimum-security facility near Boston, where her family lives.
    • Need to spend at least three years on supervised release after her jail time

    The judge was quite nice to her in my opinion... Judge said the following statements:

    "You were vulnerable and you were exploited,"
    "You are genuinely remorseful."

    I am not buying it, she enjoyed being this HedgeFund PowerGeek and is way too smart to not have understood what she was doing.

    On top of that, let's NOT FORGET that if Sam went down, it is because he tried to plug the wholes in Alameda Hedge Fund in the first place!!! WHich she managed...

    I believe in that specific case that she clearly benefited from her physical aspect as she looked like a frail girl who Sam took advantage of...

    She also benefited from her full compliance with the DoJ once they were caught and the level of remorse she showed following the FTX collapse and the ensuing trial.

    Glad they are both paying for the biggest theft of the past 5 years.

    Stay safe out there,


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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