in voilk •  20 hours ago

    We may feel lonely, helpless, and insecure sometimes, but remember that God has not failed in any of His promises to us. The Almighty Jehovah is always unchangeable. Humans are always changing. Yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever, the Almighty Jehovah, the creator and sustainer of life remains the same.

    🔑1 KINGS 8:56 (KJV) SAYS:

    Blessed be the LORD, that hath given rest unto His people Israel, according to all that He promised: there hath not failed one word of all His good promise, which He promised by the hand of Moses His servant.

    đź“•BIBLE TEXT: 1 KINGS 8:54-66
    I tried bringing the portion of the Bible where we are discussing, but I found out that it is very long, the space could not accept such a long quotation. Please read it from your own Bible app.

    I have gone around to several local churches and denominations over the years, partially because I have changed locations or partially because my perception of the Christian community changed. It is necessary to feel comfortable in the place where you worship the Almighty Jehovah and be surrounded by people of like minded who can motivate you and also people you can trust.

    It is mandatory that you are motivated by the Almighty God, to trust in Him.

    This portion of the Bible has not much to be talked about . It should be treated as a beautiful prayer. it is also a good summary of Solomon's faith.

    Read King Solomon's message and consider your own life and the local church that you worship God in, and share ideas with: do they walk in the ways of the Lord? Reflect on Solomon's message and give praise to God. We may feel alone sometimes, but remember that God has not fail of all His promises to us. God does not change. We are the people that change our perceptions.

    🙏 MY PRAYER.
    Blessed be the Lord God, giver of every good and perfect gifts. Caring God, You have not left my side, and You forgive me when i stray from You. In my darkest time, I have felt lonely but You have waited, patiently for me to return back to Your side. Lord, I ask that You help me obey Your commandments and continue to walk to Your path of salvation, helping others to follow same. May the blessings of my mind, the meditations of my heart and words of my mount be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer. I pray this prayer in Jesus Christ's name - Amen.

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