There & Back Again 4

in voilk •  4 months ago

    ~ Impregnated With Creativity ~

    That subtitle will make more sense as this post moves along. I've been making these posts to get all of my worthy generative artworks displayed. Along the way I end up getting a bit inspired as well. I've been focused on the theme of pregnancy for quite a few years now.



    I called this post 'Impregnated With Creativity' since it's an exhibition of my creative ventures of trying to generate good art and an exhibition of the pregnancy themes. Some of these are the leftovers from my last two personal posts. I wanted to show a little bit of the evolution of attempts to try and get better idea of how the artistic generative process goes. The next 3 images are of the same vein thematically but they all have their evolutionary differences.





    I have been focused on fantasy art and portraits of different kinds for a while. I add colorists as an influence in the prompts as well as different artists from different eras and genres. These can end up being the most generic or the most fantastic... it's really a roll of the generative dice each time.




    I have found that 'I Love Lucy' or Lucille Ball is a good rule of thumb. The cyberpunk Lucy, in the image above, didn't turn out too bad. I also use random combos to see what the bot comes up with. A cyber steampunk anatomical heart-skull never hurt nobody! hahaha



    Beats by Heart

    Fertility & WAR

    Many of these are old generative outputs but many are also made from being impregnated by the inspiration of this post. I tried modern themes with classic master artisans as well as modern artists mixed with classic art mediums or styles.





    Many of the combos i felt to be successful... but none were perfect. I have tweaked these so many times that unless i wanted to just feature and focus on one particular... it was best to move on. So, i did move on. The soil of ideas is extremely fertile but the space and time to thrive is very much an ongoing war.

    I could never run out of options or ideas but i would also never run out of possible variations of how those ideas combine with other motifs. The actual possibilities are almost endless.



    The consistency of the bot to recreate has also become much better as the technology and upgrades have progressed. After having a child in the midst of this tech-revolution... just missing a few months is similar to becoming a generation or two (of human lifespan) behind. I may be exaggerating a bit... but not not really that much when it comes to how far this has all come in such a short span of time.




    We are beginning to live the future i grew up hearing about. I honestly thought the now would be a bit more futuristic... but i don't think anyone thought of the detour that mobile phones, marketing, and those types of devices would sidetrack the whole of progress. I'm not complaining... just wondering why we don't have flying cars and hoverboards in mass by now! Like... for real?!

    It Be Dat Way SomeTime

    Not As Much As You Think

    I don't want to get into the philosophy and psychology of my art or prompts just now. Suffice it to say that i have had the ideas germinating for quite a while and not a single image in this post conveys a single idea that i would like to visually manifest. All these images are beautiful in their own way, or else i wouldn't be sharing them, but none have quite hit the mark for my creative vision. I can say that a compilation of a few of these images mixed with my artistic editing and remixing could possible come very close!!!!






    I haven't learning the digital arts nearly as much as i can express myself in the traditional mediums. But to be fair... i almost always NEVER end up with the results that i had in mind when persuing an artistic work. Many if not almost all of the times i set out to create something... the end result was not what i had envisioned.



    I think this is important to acknowledge because the vision of art is not always accurate to the portrayal or expression of art. Most people have art inside of them. Most people don't create art or artistically express themselves and therefore consider themselves as non-artists. When, in reality, these passionate people can be some of the best artists that just don't have the tools or technical skill to present outwardly the art they KNOW inwardly.


    This is like being impregnated with ideas and a vast majority of the population just has an ultimate abortion. What a perfect waste. Ideas and creativity are meant to be explored... and art is meant to be life. Creation is one of the best artworks and creating is what models our likeness to our creator. Art Lives Inside Us ALL


    No IDEA












    I Thank you for stopping by to comment or even to look. I would love to hear a topic or theme that you would like to see me create for the next post. I might even give away some of the post rewards to the best idea!

    Love That You Could Join Me Today

    Thanks again for stopping by and checking this stuff out. If you want to join the fun you can find the invite links in my previous A.I. Art posts.

    I would also love to know which image you liked the best. I remembered to number them so you can just say the numbers of the ones you like the most.

    Cheers and until next time... Stay blessed you guys!

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