Music news, new goals accomplished, buying new chart, progress. Rising Star.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

    But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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    Well friends I'm excited to share with you today's music news. Today I'm going to tell you about a musical journey that takes us to unexplored territories with one of the most influential artists of our time.

    I want to talk to you about "Cowboy Carter," Beyoncé's latest album that marks her foray into the country genre. Since its release, this album has unleashed a wave of emotions and conversations in the music industry, and I would certainly like to leave you with my opinions.

    First, let me express my admiration for Beyoncé's bravery and creativity in embarking on this new musical venture. As a fan of her work for years, I have always appreciated her ability to challenge boundaries and reinvent herself with each project. With "Cowboy Carter," Queen B takes us by the hand into a whole new universe, where country meets her unmistakable style and talent.

    One of the most fascinating things about this album is the way Beyoncé fuses elements of country with her own artistic identity. From the throbbing beat of "Texas Hold 'Em" to the emotional reinterpretation of "Jolene" alongside the legendary Dolly Parton, each song is a masterpiece in itself.

    Personally, I was blown away by the collaboration with Miley Cyrus on "II Most Wanted," a song that evokes the feeling of adventure and freedom on the road.

    But beyond the music itself, I want to highlight the powerful message that Beyoncé conveys through this album. In a world where divisions and prejudices still persist, her decision to explore a new genre of music.

    Without a doubt this is a show of resilience and celebration of cultural diversity. By immersing herself in country history and collaborating with legends like Willie Nelson and Linda Martell, Beyoncé reminds us of music's ability to unite and transcend barriers.

    Of course, I can't overlook Beyoncé's incredible vocal work on "Cowboy Carter". Her ability to convey emotion and storytelling through her voice is simply unparalleled. Every note, every inflection, takes us on an emotional journey that leaves us breathless and wanting more, as usual with all of her songs.

    To sum up, "Cowboy Carter" is not just an ordinary album, it is also a unique listening experience that invites us to explore new musical horizons together with one of the most iconic artists of our generation. I am certain that this album will leave an indelible mark in the history of music and will continue to inspire future generations of artists to follow their own creative path.

    Well dear friends of Rising Star, this is the music news I wanted to tell you today. The time has come to show you my latest news in the game. Without further ado, let's continue.

    Buying a new card.


    Well friends, as you are used to, now it's time to dedicate a few minutes of my last purchase in Rising Star. And how could it be otherwise is a new card for my collection. The new card is called Jaxx.

    Jaxx is a common card that brings me 2 basic things. The first thing is 10 fans, which is still very good for me to keep growing my fans every day. Even with a small boost.

    The other thing it gives me is 5 skills. It's quite little, but it's appreciated even if it's a little help to combat the ego, hahaha.😅


    The price of this card is very good, this makes it ideal for all those who start in the game and have little starbit capital. For only 688 you can buy it and have a boost of 10 additional fans. This can be very useful at first, because you can unlock more missions.


    General Progress////New goal accomplished.

    Now as last section of the day it's time to talk about my latest progress in the game but in a general and more summarized way.

    Let's start with my current level, I'm happy to tell you that I have a goal accomplished, I finally reached level 30. This is undoubtedly a joy for me, because now I have access to more missions, as is the case of the third of the second island. Since it is perfect in its relationship between time, amount of XP earned and the starbits you can get. Now I just need to invest a little more in the game to get the full potential of this mission.

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    As for my fans I have had an increase, my total is: 1507. I should mention that there are some drunks included as well. This number will go up a lot in the next few days as I will be investing a bit more in my character.

    Final summary: Luck: 1494, Skill: 3317, IM: 13 and my total number of cards: 103. Well as you can see it is an improvement compared to previous days.


    Well my dear and dear friends this is all for today, soon I will be back with a new update. Greetings.

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