Family Bonding: Weekend Training for Better Days

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hey there, beautiful people! I hope we are all doing well. Let your cup-bearer share our weekend bonding-training with our kids. I hope you can find time to read this short and full-of-love experience.

    Weekend is the time we spend together at our humble abode. It is the moment we can fill our absence for our daughter. From Monday to Friday, we come to school for work. Facing other else's children while we leave ours at home. Well, we are lucky because our children were able to quickly understand our situation. Since then they were babies they already know that once we wear our uniform, we are leaving them for work and they will not cry for being left with their nanny.

    Last weekend, we started our routine by feeding our chickens at 5 in the morning. After that, we had our coffee time together with Jehoia (she's earlier to wake up than her brother) before we began doing the chores. Jehioa drinks hot milk with her favorite bread. As we finished our coffee, we started to prepare our used clothes for washing. As our son woke up, we told him to cook rice for our breakfast. He's just eight years old. He started cooking rice when he was a kindergarten learner. We started teaching him how to wash and drain the rice granules. Until he mastered measuring the water enough to cook it.

    How do we train our kids?

    Many of us might say, they were still kids and they must just enjoy playing. But for me, aside from playing, I need to train my children allowing them to explore things at home for them to become prepared in the coming days. I want them to be responsible and disciplined. We do not know when our time here on earth ends. If it happens to our least expected time, our kids are ready for the real face of the world.

    I always believe that training should start at an early age. It's their foundation of learning. A very important phase in acquiring knowledge and skills. It would be very difficult to change a behavior when he or she is already an adult. We need to start shaping them at their early stage. I heard others telling me that I am strict with my upbringing of our children. Well, it's not being strict. I just love them so much and I don't want them to grow with a weak mindset.

    Bonding through training begins.




    As we continued our day, my wife cleaned the interior of the house, she also prepared our fridge for she's planning to sell again iced candies, mango float, and other desserts. While Jehoia and I were washing our clothes. Ioseph joined us after the rice was cooked. We were not able to use our washing machine due to its damage. Jehoia took us pictures while Ioseph and I were focused on our work.

    When we felt hungry, I took the time to cook our food. I cooked carne norte mixed with eggs. We had our breakfast and took a while to rest. And then went back doing our chores. Our son hung the washed clothes while Jehoia took pictures of his brother. She told me that she loved to help us because we were tired of our work. She's also fond of telling me that she will work to buy me a laptop, a new phone, a new motorcycle, and many more. She's a papa's girl.






    I love seeing them learn and enjoy washing their clothes. Jehoia keeps on talking about her plans in the future.

    During the weekend our kid neighbor also comes to clean the chicken feces. He will transfer it to the area where we gather them before bringing it to the school for garden use. While he cleaned the poultry house, we finished our work so that I could have time to clean my motorcycle, Motmot (the name of our motorcycle 😅). It's been 5 years since Momot came into our lives. He's our travel buddy upon going to work and even going to the City. A day before, I sent my motorcycle to a mechanic. There were lots of parts that got changed. I paid almost 5 thousand pesos for the parts and labor of the mechanic. At least, he runs well again. I washed Motmot and he's now ready for new travels.





    When we were done, we went inside and my wife was not yet done mopping the floor. She managed to change the couch covers alone. It's very nice to see the vibrance of a happy home. From the cleanliness up to the loving and caring family members. I am looking forward that our children will grow with their learnings at home.

    After having our lunch we had some time watching informative videos on our television. Our kids participated in the question and answer portion and they had so much fun of it. At 2 p.m. I got so sleepy, so I entered our bedroom and had a fine sleep. I woke up at 5 p.m. since I was tired of doing some chores. I told my wife that we would buy my favorite crispy chicken for our kids. We went to the town and bought some crispy chicken and beef soup.


    We like their crispy chicken. My kids love eating their crispylicious chicken.

    Better days are coming.

    Even if we're emotionally unstable due to lots of stress, we show our kids that we are strong enough to face everything. It is our way of training them to be prepared all the time since we do not know what awaits us in the future. Our bonding is also a training for their future. We do not want regret to happen, and we did nothing before.

    In the family, we have different orientations. But we do not have the right to judge the upbringing of other children. For our way, we want our children to be responsible and disciplined. We don't want them to grow like they know everything. We want to bear in mind that there is always room for improvement. There is no such ruler in the family. We just need to listen and understand each other to have a harmonious relationship.


    Jehoia took our grouphie. 🫶

    I hope one day, our kids will know the value of our teachings. Treat each other with love and care. Being happy and supporting each achievement. My prayers are for it to happen.

    Thank you for your precious time.

    This is your cup-bearer. Lovelots. ❤️

    The lead image was edited in Canva. 
    While other photos were taken using my
    Samsung A73 phone.

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