Taking the field

in voilk •  2 months ago


    It's going to be a weekend packed full of softball and baseball and I am really looking forward to it. Tonight we get to head to our local minor league ballpark and watch the game from a suite. It's something that my wife has done the past two years to help her staff de-stress from a long year of dealing with students.

    We still have a couple months to go, but towards the end of the year people get busy with other things. As a lot of people will attest, the Covid pandemic messed with a lot of peoples heads and put most all of us in a general funk.

    I can tell you, it's not easy working in public education these days. The things we see on a daily basis I never would have imagined when I started in this field twenty years ago. Add to that guardians who don't take responsibility and just want to blame everything on everybody else and it is pretty easy to understand why teachers are so beat down.

    That's why as a bit of a morale boost, my wife wrote a grant so she can do fun things with and for the staff. Just to show them some appreciation and help them unwind a bit.

    So we are heading to the ball field tonight!

    Meanwhile, my niece in high school played another game last night. I mentioned before that she has been struggling with her hitting. That wasn't the case last night as she went 2 for 3 and the two hits were amazing dingers. It was nice to see her get back in the groove, but I am proud of her even when she is striking out.

    Unfortunately, they lost the game by getting run ruled (check out my post from two days ago if you need more info on that).

    They are in action again tonight with a surprise game that wasn't on their regular schedule. Safe to say that @mrsbozz and I will probably be doing double duty watching that game and the baseball game!

    Actually, make that triple duty because The Tiffin Dragons are also in action today. They took a road trip to Tennessee and today they have a doubleheader against Trevecca Nazarene University. The first game starts at 3 PM and then the second game is at 5 PM.

    Tomorrow they have another doubleheader against Kentucky Wesleyan University with a game at 1 and another game at 3 PM.

    After that it is a mad dash to the end of the season for both teams.

    I forgot to mention, one of my other nieces recently got a job at the Stadium we are visiting tonight, so hopefully we get a chance to see her. Although we will be in a suite, it's a pretty small stadium, so it shouldn't be too hard to track her down. She is part of the crew that keeps the crowd entertained in between innings and plays games with the kids on the field. Things like that.

    I'm excited to see her in action.

    Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


    All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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