[ENG/ESP]My pet's birthday tomorrow// El cumpleaños de mi mascota

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hello greetings friends of gems, thank God for the life that gives us daily to share with family, friends and especially with animals, which are pets and also part of the family as they are part of your living environment, tomorrow my dog named cobby turns 8 years with us and I say with us because in my house we live 4 people my son, my daughter, my husband and myself, cobby came into our life at a sad time that we were all going through and it was the crisis in my country, cobby's mother died as soon as he was born and we had to feed him, give him milk and formulas that at that time cost money and a friend did not send them from a nearby state and besides that we put him behind the fridge in a box because the fridge had a grill behind it and he was kept warm. He was growing up, we gave him his vaccines and at 22 days old he started to eat, his favorite food is ground meat with pasta, I gave it to him well shredded, when he turned 2 years old with us he almost changed his name to dragon hehehehe as if he had never eaten before, cobby sometimes makes his mischief to go out to the street, I will not deny that he does not like when strangers come to the door of my house, he gets upset, he got sick twice when he was 4 years old and 6 years old because of a snake bite but thank God we went to his vet and thank God tomorrow he will be 8 years old in our lives.

    Hola saludos amigos de gems, a Dios gracias por la vida que nos regala a diario el poder compartir con la familia, amigos y sobre todo con los animales,que son mascotas y tambien parte de la familia ya que forman en tu entorno de vivir, mañana mi perro llamado cobby cumple 8 años con nosotros y digo con nosotros por que en mi casa habitamos 4 personas mi hijo, mi hija ,mi esposo y mi persona, cobby llego a nuestraa vidaa en un momento triste que estabamos pasando todos y era la crisis en mi pais, la madre de cobby murio apenas el nacio y nos toco alimentarlo, darle leche y formulas que para ese tiempo costaban dinero y no se conseguian una amiga no las enviaba de un estado cercano y aparte de eso le colocabamos detras de la nevera en una cajita ya que la nevera tenia una parrilla detras y el.se mantenia caliente, lo cierto que fue creciendo le colocamos sus vacunas y a los 22 dias empezo a comer, su comida favorita es carne molida con pasta, se la daba bien triturada,ya cuando cumplio 2 años con nosotros casi le cambio el nombre por dragon jejje como como si no hubiece comido nunca, cobby aveces hace sus travesuras para salirse para la calle, no les voy a negar no le gusta cuando bienen personas extrañas a la puerta de mi casa se molesta,se me enfermo dos veces cuando tenia 4 años y 6 años por picadura de culebra casera pero gracias a Dios recurimos a su veterinario y a Dios gracias ya mañana cumple sus 8 años en nuestras vidas.


    I hope not to bore you with the life of my pet but I wanted to share my joy with you, the pictures were captured with my galaxy samsung, God bless you all.

    Espero no aburrirlos con la vida de mi mascota pero queria compartir mi alegria con ustedes,las forografias las capture con mi galaxy samsung, Dios los bendiga en grande.

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