A Question That Has Many Different Answers

in voilk •  3 months ago

    All living things have a life. By this I mean, living things are born, they live and then they die. What is the meaning of life though? I feel this question can have many different interpretations and the answer will vary from person to person. Everyone will have their own unique perspective on it so I hope you don't flame me in the comments below for my perspective.

    For me, I feel life is more than just living. Hey now that sounds a bit confusing. By this, I mean it's more than just working, eating and sleeping. It's about having a purpose and I'm not referring to the mundane things in life that we need to do to survive. In my opinion, every living thing has a purpose in life but for humans our purpose and potential is significantly greater than any other living thing since we are blessed with dexterity, cognitive abilities etc.

    For example, I hate mosquitoes but they play a big role in the world by pollinating and being food for other wildlife. This is pretty much their purpose in life. As a human though, we can do almost anything. We can be a lawyer, a farmer, a doctor, a homeless person, a criminal etc; there is just so many choices. Despite having all these choices, I feel the root purpose of humans is to contribute to society. This can be positive or it can be negative. For example, a positive way would be someone like Abraham Lincoln who abolished slavery. A negative way would be like Hitler who killed people and started a world war. Of course people could argue the opposite but I won't argue with you.

    For me, I believe my purpose in life is to positively impact the society. I should not only improve myself throughout my life but I should also help change peoples lives and make the world a better place.


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