Drinks - Wine a little, Laugh a lot

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Drinks! A lot of us have favorites. Some of us can’t do without them. We are addicted. No matter how much we try we can’t seem to stay from them. They could be alcoholic or non-alcoholic. To us, we just want to satisfy our thirsts and cravings. If there are any health implications we simply do not care. Living in the moment has brought so much misery but humans do not seem to care. Having a chilled drink in the middle of a hectic day beats every other feeling we should be having at the moment. Should I talk about hitting the freezer on a calm evening and helping ourselves to the beers we stocked up for the weekend? You already know, there is no point wasting your time by retracing your steps to the past.

    Image is mine

    Do I like to drink?

    I like to drink. Yes, I do. I like to do it alone in the comfort of my space without anyone interfering. There's never been a time someone asks me how much I can drink that I'd reveal how much. I am always feeling creeped out and unsafe to reveal such information. I like to think the person asking would try to get me drunk one day and do something too bad to me. So I refrain from sharing how many bottles I can cancel no matter how much they grin and look at me innocently. I've had several guys try to make me reveal that information. They sometimes throw it around in conversations to see if I'll let down my guard and say something but I don't.

    These days, I drink out of necessity and not for fun. It could be I desperately need to sleep so I could be wide awake by morning to meet up with an appointment. I'll grab a bottle at that point and down it all. Then ruffle my bedsheets and get in between them. I often wake up the next morning as though nothing happened the previous night. Sometimes, it puzzles me how I could wake up with wide eyes and no sign of a hangover.

    It's been a while since I went out to drink with other people. I don't seem to have any more friends to drink with lately. Everyone has gone on to do more purposeful things with their lives like starting a family, relocating abroad, etc. So you can see why drinking alone has become a routine. Even when I get the chance to go on dates, I ask for soft drinks or strawberry milkshakes like the one I used as the header image. I can't explain why I don't ask for beers during dates lately. It could be because I am not in the mood to get tipsy or I have unfinished business with my writing for the day and I can't risk dozing off in the middle of it all.

    Have I had Arabian Tea before?

    The craziest part is that since a friend introduced me to Arabian Teas, I hardly take alcohol on dates. I will always choose the tea spot for those dates so I will drink tea with fries. It's so nice. Always Nice.

    The tea has the same effect alcohol has on me. It sends me to sleep faster than anything does. It tends to make my body succumb to the stress of the day. It wires down everything, calms my nerves, soothes anything that needs soothing, and by the time my head hits the pillow, I'm gone.

    I think it's because I love myself more as the days go by. So I keep choosing things that might seem selfish but in the long run, do me good. Someone would think I should choose fancy and classy spots for dates where I could eat the occasional fried rice, chicken, and the rest of the fancy food with all the fancy lights. But I will always opt for the dark spots with dim lights where you hardly recognize anyone except you know their voices or walking steps. Places with certain food and drinks that help my body rest easy for the night in anticipation of the routine of the next day.

    How about partying?

    Partying? I don't remember if I have done that before. I haven't. Except you are talking about birthday parties which I am pretty sure it isn't. Birthday parties are innocent and harmless unless the group of friends decides to go bizarre and crazy; stuffing drinks with intoxicants and the rest. Deep down I want to party but I can't bring myself to do so because I am afraid of getting harassed by men whom I don't want to dance with or go home with after the party. So, I let it slide since it's impossible to miss something you've never had.

    Facing writer's block? Join the lnleo April Writing Prompt today and say goodbye to, "I don't know what to do write about today".

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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