April Fool's Day - Office Prank That Had Everyone Chuckling !

in voilk •  4 months ago

    The amount of joy that one can receive from successfully

    pranking someone is incompatible with a lot of other moments where we feel Joy because that is a culmination of a lot of things to get someone to prank you successfully you need to be properly setting up the prank itself and also planet very nicely So that it has a probability that it is going to succeed and once it does there are no borders that it is bound with and the amount of the joy that it has within itself is amazing as well as the person who gets prank also at the end feels that there is something that is to enjoy yourself which is the best part about friends and the harmless ones.


    Every single one of us has surely thought about pranking someone in our entire lives and that is something which has been a huge thing among the mindset of all of us because pranking someone is a very interestful thing to be done and that is a reason why we are always looking towards opportunities which we can be utilizing to prank someone and that lighten ups the mood as well to an excellent extent as they are also very much needed to be getting them done as the daily life stress we are having can be reduced to quite a lot of extend with a very happy prank.

    There are a lot of people who are just out there pranking people and they have made it a profession as well the thing is that people also enjoy them so much that there is a complete aspect of content creation based on pranks only and the audience for that is huge as well as the people who get themselves involved in IT are also very much loving it at the end because of which this particular activity has a lot of eyeballs towards it and the amount of interest that people have towards this is something to look upon.

    But if we talk about it from a very wider perspective then the first of April or the April Fool's's Stay is the perfect opportunity for each and everyone to play a prank on someone else and that is something which is celebrated through this particular day which is why this day is so much important for a lot of people as they always keep on waiting for this particular day to arrive so that they can be giving their pranks a reality and making them happen to those people which they have previously thought of targetting as their victims and that is the plan the day want to see succeed as well.


    All of us surely have one or another story about April Fool as in our entire lives would have participated in one of these April Fool's pranks and that is something that has become a perfect memory with us which is why those stories are worth telling to someone else and today in this article I am going to be sharing one such story with you all and I am sure that you are going to like it as well as it is something that I can't able forget and it was an amazing experience which was full of fun and amazing laughter.

    So the prank that we planned was something that had a lot of weeks in it while getting planet cells and also before the execution a lot of things we considered and with the help of a few members in crime this entire prank was orchestrated by us and the thing was that we are going to be pranking the entire floor full of our cowboy girls and that was to be done by a very harmless prank as well but a one that will inject a lot of confusion among the all of the victims who are going to get prank as well and that was the prime motive from our side which was needed to be done at all costs.

    So the thing is that on our floor there were a lot of cables which were occupied by many people and they had their nameplates on their doors and they would need to be reached by other people who are working in the office itself so they are cabin has a door and on that, the nameplate is properly mentioned and with the help of that person who is looking for those respectful people they can find them and go to them without any problem so the thing that we did was to just replace those particular name plates with each other and just changing them was a really game changer because people who wanted to meet those they were looking for were met by someone else and that particular reaction is worth watching

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    We just made those nameplates on office doors switch with each other and the confusion that the colleagues faced while walking into the wrong office only to be greeted by the people who were someone they didn't want to meet was something that was a moment of joy because those few seconds of entire confusion or something very amazing to look at and after that all of the people who were having that confusion started to talk among themselves the people are sitting in the wrong room and that was a moment when we bro character and continuously laugh for a few minutes for sure.

    After that, we just revealed the entire thing to everyone and all of us were in absolute laughter because it was the April fool stay and we couldn't help but just crackers smile also the seniors were involved in it so it was something that we didn't have to care about an everyone was very happy and laughing all the way around in our workplace which was making the environment very nice and healthy as well as the same time also feeling it with a bit of a Mischief that we did ensure it had to be there as well without action in such a way that was harmless to everyone.

    It was something that has been imbibed in my memory very nicely because the entire thing the way it was out was something that we didn't even imagine to be that good to go like that because it exceeded our expectations as a lot of people were confused as well as the things that followed were something that we didn't think about would happen and all of those reactions priceless which is why it is something that I wanted to share with you guys on this day of April fools

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