The beauty of a yellow dhincha flower

in voilk •  3 months ago

    In our village there are various types of vines and grasses and some trees that are used as fuel. Similarly, today I will talk about a tree and about the beautiful flowers that the tree has. The name of the tree is Dhincha tree and very beautiful flowers of yellow color can be seen on it which we call Dhincha flower in our language. I love to see the flowers of this plant and when I saw the dhincha tree I saw beautiful yellow color flowers in the plant and took some pictures with my own mobile in different shapes and the pictures are presented below.











    In our country, dhincha plants usually flower in the fields and these flowers are very nice to see in the water during monsoons. However, the flowers of the dhaincha plant that I photographed had no water in the plant and the plants were small and dry in the field. I went out for a walk in the field south of my house and suddenly I saw a dhincha tree in the field and I liked the flowers I saw in the tree. So I took some pictures to share with my friends.

    The flowers of Dhincha tree are very beautiful to look at but these flowers have no fragrance but have beauty. As I watched the dhaincha plants move through the wind, the flowers of the dhaincha plant were so beautiful to look at. I like any flower and wherever I see any flower I take some pictures with my mobile to share with my hive community friends. Flowers have a natural beauty that I like to see. Small children in our country love to play with these yellow dhaincha flowers and I myself used to play in my childhood which I liked.

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