Star Racer Preview As It Enters Early Access on Steam

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Whatnot Games have released their upcoming futuristic racer, Star Racer, onto Steam’s Early Access program. Now, when you see this game in action, you will probably quickly get an F-Zero vibe, a great one, at least that was the way it was for me, and I have never been a huge fan of F-Zero games.

    The Future Is in The Past

    One of the first things that caught my eye with Star Racer is the graphics. What we have here is an interesting mix of retro style graphics, sprites on polygonal tracks that twist, turn, disappear forming massive leaps across space and more.

    It is an eye-catching look that works so well.

    The gameplay video that Whatnot Games have posted shows some amazing track designs. Twisting, turning, places to race your hovercraft abound.

    Star Racer gives a nostalgia feel that is hard to capture in newer games. It looks slightly better than what the SNES could do but not as detailed as what Sony PlayStation was doing but still, it look amazing the whole time.

    Simple to Play, Fun to Play

    I have played the demo available and must say, it is quite fun. Not hard to get to grips with either. The embedded video is my first play through totaling three attempts at the available track. You can see how quickly I picked up the object, challenges and how to deal with them from the track and enemies, etc.

    The controls feel like you are controlling a hovercraft, you are going to have to plan for turns and such. These things do not turn on a dime and have massive drift till you dial in the controls, then it is easy to unleash the beast on the track.

    Star Racer is definitely an intriguing release and one that fans of combat racers, F-Zero, or just good old fashioned “futuristic” racing will find fun with.

    Available now on Steam. What racing game did you rock, that you would love to see an update of? Let me know in the comments below.

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