in voilk •  3 months ago

    Oh my god, this cannot be happening right now. I'm sitting here in this painfully dull quarterly meeting, squirming in my seat and trying desperately not to let on just how incredibly turned on I am feeling. Leave it to me to accidentally chug down an aphrodisiac coffee before coming into the office. Why do I do these things to myself?

    It had seemed so harmless when I bought the "Passion Flower Aphrodisiac Coffee" at that funky little herbal goods store last night. The charming older hippie lady behind the counter assured me it was "all-natural herbal bliss" to put a spark back into my romantic life. After nearly 8 years with silver, our sex life had gotten a bit...lackluster. I figured this could be a fun way to rediscover that fire.

    So I bought the coffee, took it home, and set it on the counter to surprise silver with after dinner. But then this morning happened. I was running late, as always, and just grabbed what I thought was my usual breakfast blend and ran out the door. It wasn't until I was halfway through the commute that the rich, exotic flavors hit me as a But I brushed it off as just a new roast or something.

    Boy was I wrong! About 15 minutes later, as I was walking across the house entrances lot, it slammed into me like a freight train - waves of tingling desire suddenly flooding my body. By the time I made it to my desk, I was a furnace of arousal, getting flushed just watching lade''s beefy arms reach up to grab something off the top shelf of the file cabinet. Get it together, treasy! This is just coffee, I scolded myself.

    Well, that damned aphrodisiac coffee has officially done me in now that I'm trapped in here listening to Paul drone on and on about process inefficiencies or whatever. I can't stop squirming and crossing and re-crossing my legs. My chest is flushed and I can feel pools of warmth gathering between my thighs with every inadvertent sex thought that pops into my head.

    Like when Paul leaned over the table to scribble something on his legal pad, giving me a perfect view of his firm backside working beneath those wool trousers. Or when Cindy got up to use the projector remote, forcing me to watch the delicious sway of her hips and modest bounce of her breasts as she moved. For crying out loud, even freaking korede picking his teeth with a fingernail is turning me on right now! This cannot be a normal level of arousal. I feel like I'm going through puberty all over again.

    At one point, I crossed and uncrossed my legs maybe a few too many times out of nervous arousal, because Paul stopped and looked at me with moderate concern.

    "Everything okay over there, treasy? You seem...antsy."

    "Y-yes, everything's fine!" I stammered out, trying to mask the frankly unprofessional level of eagerness and heat in my voice. "Just, uh, a little restless leg syndrome acting up is all!"

    God, I hope he bought that because there's no way I can concentrate in this meeting a second longer. Paul just kept plowing through the materials, completely oblivious to the crisis of arousal unfolding beside him. Meanwhile, part of me started fantasizing about taking him firmly by his striped tie and....NO! Stop it, brain!

    That's it, I have to get out of here and handle this "situation" before I make a damn fool of myself. I grabbed my notebook and pen, scribbled a quick "not feeling well, BTW" note, and slipped it to Paul before bolting out of the room as casually as my wobbly legs could carry me. I practically sprinted out to the parking lot, cranking up the AC in my car as high as it could go to try and cool my deepening blush.

    By the time I got off the uber at home 15 minutes later, I had worked myself into an absolute frenzy. I could barely get the front door open, my hands were shaking with such intense arousal. Silver is going to be in for one hell of a surprise when he gets home tonight. Maybe this aphrodisiac coffee wasn't such a bad purchase after all!

    All images designed on canva

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